Best Poetry

Paris I've Never Visited | Ananya S. Guha - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Paris I’ve Never Visited | Ananya S. Guha

Paris I’ve never visited
only the uncanny wind
whispered how a city
was embattled with ashes
coming out of a theatre.
Where music thundered
to heart beats
where men sieged a house
set it on fire
immolated a lost civilization, and meanings
of life, beauty, love were
left smouldering, in ashes
of ruin. Where politics did not comprehend love and
boisterous laughter, celebrating living.

Only I know the truth
that a Paris which I’ve
not visited, never will
will remain firm in the
iron soul of my body
wringing desperate hands,
feet, as a weeping
manifestation of a world
surrendering to phantoms.

Earth an Epic | Seshendra Sharma - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Earth an Epic | Seshendra Sharma

Even by bloodshed, which is indefinably superior to gold
Dreams did not become realities-
Only fools do not know that
evolution also is subject to evolution-
When the earth is ploughed with a plough
Only then it becomes a country
When the earth is ploughed with a quill
Then it becomes an epic
If it is not ploughed either with a plough or quill
It is merely just merely earth-
24 hours of distance lies from sun to sun
only two hearts of distance lies
from human being to human being-
The sky opening up its pink folds
flying itself in the winds of dawn-
Look! How many riffles of distance lies
From village to war-

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Heard | Hino Black - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Heard | Hino Black

Through my bed room window..
I’m aimlessly looking at the sky…
Thinking of my life so far..
I’ve only knew things..
I didn’t want to know..
I lost my voice and only their words..
I’m now speaking..
There’s a voice in my heart…
Telling me ..Don’t follow the orders of society…
And be free like a bird..
Keep on dreaming..
Even these dreams are disappearing with the wind..
They decided everything for me..
Even which dream I should dream…
Everything it’s their choice..
My clothes.. My beliefs.. My dreams.. Even my future..
But from time to time…
I will break their rules..
And fly outside the herd..
And sing melodies…
That they never heard..
Like a bird in the sky..
Flying freely through the night..
Unseen but definitely heard.

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