apathy poems

Neighborhood Disturbance |  Daniel Klawitter - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Neighborhood Disturbance | Daniel Klawitter

Who knew
it would come to this?

Certainly not you
nor the birds twittering in the tree.

Or the squirrel
fidgeting by the flowerpot–

or the rain
in the rainbow–

no, not even me.
Not even I could have guessed

the things confessed by others
carried on the gossip of a breeze.

But we just sat there,
quiet as leaves–

when the disturbance
suddenly ceased.

Everyone was waiting
on everyone else

to see who might call
the police.

More at http://about.me/dklawitter.

Monument Circle, 2004 | Brian Burmeister - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Monument Circle, 2004 | Brian Burmeister

12:03, in front of great stone
soldiers and sailors,
cars go round and round.

A group of ten people stand
together, at the steps of the gray,
limestone tower, over a hundred years old.

Most of them hold white signs,
with simple block text:

A few cars honk or wave,
most passersby on foot pick up
their pace, drop heads.

At 12:04, one couple walks up,
in their sixties,
still holding hands,

asks a sunglassed college girl,
holding a sign,
“Who is Darfur?”

More at http://bdburmeister.weebly.com/.

Revolutionary | Kara D. Spain - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Revolutionary | Kara D. Spain

Rain-soaked bodies
Blood-soaked battlefield
Minds, overcome with rage against tyranny,
recognized their freedom rested with the vulnerable-
they themselves having been overrun,
by a warped legacy
They fought, for what we now take for granted
Where have all the ‘revolutionaries’ gone?
They’re at the Apple store,
heralding the release of the latest gadget

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