authoritarianism poems

Supper on Guinda St. 1957 | Ruth Mota - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Supper on Guinda St. 1957 | Ruth Mota

Around our gray formica table
mother managed the roast beef and mashed potatoes
but father presided
thudding his limping frame into the only chair with arms
booming out his gratitude for another fine day
and for his wife’s fine home-cooking:
“I’ve dined in Rome, in Paris, but never had beef as fine yours, Thelma”
Eventually his piercing gray eyes turn to me:
“Ruthie, how’s your right arm?”
meaning I was to fetch his second cup of coffee.
“What did you learn in school today?”
meaning I would be fetching the dictionary, the encyclopedia, the atlas.
I said that today we talked about Communism.
Thelma’s temples throb at the mention of the word.
She’s mad about Miss Welch calling Miss White a Communist.
She’s mad at Nixon calling Helen Gahagan Douglas
pink down to her underwear.
She’s mostly mad at McCarthy calling everybody red,
what he did to Annie Lee Moss,
a name that sixty years later lights up my brain in neon with injustice.
But she’s spittin’ mad at the stupid American electorate
who voted these scoundrels into office.
“I’m not sure I believe in democracy.
There’s a lot to be said for a good king.”
Father croons and soothes: “Now dear, we’ve lived through Harding.
We’ve lived through Coolidge. We can live through this.”
But father died in 1988. He never had to live through this,
never had to concede that this time his wife had won the argument,
big time.

The Official | JD DeHart - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Official | JD DeHart

He is in charge and you can tell
From the stick he carries
It is large and full of venom
Puffed up adder
Plus the badge with the fancy letters
Golden spirals of digits and codes
So complicated they must mean
Something important
The universe of a black bag to place
You in, heedless
Plus the car, all trappings of authority
Siren light and blaring noise
Speeding on the night street breakneck.

When the War Comes | Tilla Sonrise - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

When the War Comes | Tilla Sonrise

When the bullets start singing
where will you be,
humming tunes
in your canopy under your
juniper tree,
when the buildings go a blazing
like blunts and bongs
will you still be singing those freedom songs?

The war is coming
revolution is on the rise
it’s them against us
and us against them
you better open your eyes.

The war is coming
revolution is on the rise
it’s them against us
and us against them
you better open your eyes.

When they drive tanks
through your neighborhood
and trample your
hopscotch chalk
are you gonna bust back
or are you full of talk,
when they bomb your homes and
murder your babies
what are you gonna do
when they
take your bags lady?

The war is coming
revolution is on the rise
it’s them against us
and us against them
you better open your eyes.

The war is coming
revolution is on the rise
it’s them against us
and us against them
you better open your eyes.

When the law
breaks the law
they are under themselves
freeze mister officer
this is a citizen arrest
we’ve been watching your
police state test
you’ve been planning martial law
since 1999
this land isn’t your land
this land is mine.

The war is coming
revolution is on the rise
it’s them against us
and us against them
you better open your eyes.

The war is coming
revolution is on the rise
it’s them against us
and us against them
you better open your eyes.

Transgender: On Trump's Seven Forbidden Words... | Eliza Mimski - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Transgender: On Trump’s Seven Forbidden Words… | Eliza Mimski

I am a transgender fetus.
I am vulnerable.
My vulnerability is evidence-based.
There is no entitlement here.
I am a diversity fetus.
I have no entitlement.
My transgender is science-based.

Transgender transgender transgender transgender
Vulnerable vulnerable vulnerable vulnerable
Evidence-based, science-based
Evidence-based, science-based

You are not allowed to talk about me.
Do not speak of my vulnerability.
I am entitled to nothing.
Vulnerable diversity.

I am an evidence-based fetus.
Diversity is science-based.
I am a vulnerable transgender.
Evidence-based fetus.

A Legacy Too Late | Tara Lynn Hawk - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Legacy Too Late | Tara Lynn Hawk

The good disappear
And no one speaks of it
A type of sanctioned poison covers it
Waiting to be released but for the key of a syllable
Hearts burn quickly and minds stay numb
They shuffle back and forth each day
With buried acknowledgement
There is no comfortable silence
It screams and moans with sweat and abuse
Then leaves them to die in loneliness
With no solemn bagpipe accompaniment
Elusive relaxation evades the tourniquet
The new normal

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Easy Peasy | Cattail Jester - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Easy Peasy | Cattail Jester

Thought it would be easy
to be in charge of all this
It’s not easy to be human,
not easy to bracket your
agenda, to act in humility
when the world offers you
power and goods.
But I’ve seen it done, not
so long ago, for eight years.
Enough saber-rattling, enough
pushing and shoving, enough
supremacy talk.
It’s time to smarten up.
Time to approach this job
with eyes to both sides
of the aisle, and eyes to what
all of us offer.
Do your work wisely and well.

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