best poems about life

You Can't Plan Everything | John Patrick Robbins - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

You Can't Plan Everything | John Patrick Robbins

She used to write down her every thought in little notebooks.
She talked about her hopes.
She spoke about dreams and plans she knew would be.
She wrote everything in pages that would be set aside and later forgotten much like our past.
I never read the words that were scribbled inside.
I was too busy inside my own words to ever worry over another’s.
She left them behind, little reminders of what was never to be.
Life is best lived not planned.

The Hat | JD DeHart - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Hat | JD DeHart

Are you the hat
that sits decorating upon
my head? Here
I was thinking I’m
no hat person. But
we all change.
One day, goodness knows,
I may be a cane person.
Monocle person. Top hat
One day I may move
outside of introversion
to a one-man show.
All because of the fabled
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Swallowing the Scorpion | Cattail Jester - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Swallowing the Scorpion | Cattail Jester

How the powers of division
stand up firm and resolute.
As when one young person
says I will dislike this entire
group, don’t make me read
about them.
Tender shoot, take the words
you so wish to drown out
and swim in them.
Take the word you struggle with,
stinger-first like a scorpion,
chew it down.
I know it is difficult, but question
your motive and thought.
Now, is it love that moves you,
or a poison you let grow
inside you?
Go ahead, take the antidote.

Open Letter to Self | James Diaz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Open Letter to Self | James Diaz

Listen kid,
you will never grow into yourself.
There will be days
where your skin is on too tight
and the sound of your own voice
guts you like all those blades
you wielded against yourself at 15
and love will always feel like something you don’t deserve
and the truth is
just because you made it this far
doesn’t guarantee you tomorrow
but it doesn’t make it any less necessary
to fight like hell to get there
little things saved you then,
why not let them save you now.

A La Recherche Des Choses Extraordinaires | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A La Recherche Des Choses Extraordinaires | Stan Morrison

seeking to amass only the rare
one-of-a-kind, museum-worthy
as in “better homes than yours”

shunning the average stuff
dreading the label “ordinary”
defining one’s self-esteem

a lifetime of chasing the latest
purely deserving admiration
worries over what others say

self-imposed no mercy mission
endless ennui with le dernier cri
don’t you see it matters not to me

Best Poetry Online