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Finding Our Humanity |  Richard Kalfus - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Finding Our Humanity | Richard Kalfus

I am young – only 23
a German student
with a history
like all Germans
of a past
which many want to forget.
Turkish immigrants came to us
in the 60’s and 70’s.
Today second and third generations
feel they are Germans.

My best friend is both a Muslim
and German.
Together we watch as Syrian refugees
enter our country.
And we are proud as these
Seekers of asylum
from a merciless dictator
find refuge here.

Tolerance and acceptance of the “other”
makes us human again –
separating us
from a time
when we Germans forgot
our humanity.

Patriotism |  Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Patriotism | Stan Morrison

Herringbone Harry never wanted to carry a gun, not even a toy one, not even for fun. Harry thought these things could hurt. Better run for cover, run home and tell my mother. Forget about “A Soldier’s Story,” and “Paths to Glory.” “Johnny Got His Gun” is the tale for everyone to learn.

The sergeant said, “Take this gun and fire it on anyone on the MGM lot for practice. Here are our orders, read’em. You’re headed for “Iraqi Freedom.” Rumsfeld anointing oil. Let the tanks run over the cradle of civilization, down by the Euphrates. Fighting terrrrrzm, making the world safe for Hell Burton.

Harry’s gig was a total drag. Harry’s gone home in a body bag. The West Point choir sang a poignant hymn, everyone’s spouting tears or opinions. The television crew is grateful for their safe jobs. Oxymorons invade the senses: holy crusade anti-terrorist offensives mission accomplished.

Not responsible for vehicles parked overnight. Not responsible for damage during shipping. Not responsible for items lost or stolen. Not responsible for clothes left over 30 days. Not responsible for what happened to Harry. Not responsible for anything we ever do or say. Amen.

It's Almost Sunday Morning | Donal Mahoney - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

It's Almost Sunday Morning | Donal Mahoney

In the summer of 1956,
any Saturday at midnight
when the moon was full
and the stars were bright,
you would see Grandma Groth
on her front-porch swing
waiting for her son, Clarence,
still a bachelor at 53,
to make it home
from the Blind Man’s Pub
after another evening quaffing
steins of Heineken’s.
Many times when I was young,
I’d be coming home at midnight
from another pub just steps behind
staggering Clarence.
I’d always let him walk ahead
and listen to him hum
“The Yellow Rose of Texas.”
But the last Saturday night
that Clarence and I came down the street,
I didn’t see Grandma on her swing.
She wasn’t waiting to berate him.
So far so good, I thought,
until, not far from his house,
Clarence fell into Mrs. Murphy’s hedge.
When I finally got him up,
I moved him like a fridge on a dolly
down the walk and into his house
only to see Grandma, a wraith
in a hazy nightgown, swoop
into the hallway, screaming
and thrashing Clarence with her broom,
pausing only to tell me,
“Go home to your mother now
so you won’t be late for Mass.
It’s almost Sunday morning!”
After that sad night in 1956,
I never saw Clarence again,
either marching to work in the morning,
his lunch pail gallantly swinging,
or staggering home at midnight
from the Blind Man’s Pub.
But many a midnight after that,
I’d be coming home
from the other pub,
lunch pail in hand,
and I’d see Grandma
reigning on her swing,
broom in hand,
Tonight, however, many decades later,
as I stroll home at midnight,
I realize I’m older now than Clarence was
the night he disappeared
and even though Grandma’s dead,
I can still see her regal on that swing,
broom in hand, waiting,
and so I give her a big wave,
hoping to hear one more time,
“Go home to your mother now
so you won’t be late for Mass.
It’s almost Sunday morning!”

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A New Being | Walid Abdallah - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A New Being | Walid Abdallah

Let me drown into your sea of feeling
Give me a new identity, a new being

Love me forever my dear
No longer see but you, I swear

Let me escape to your arms
Hide me of the wild world harms

Don’t ever forget me, please
Or all my heartbeats will cease

I promise to love you much more
Just give me the chance to prove how I adore

I hate the smell of being away from you
Terrible feelings inside me to flow

Don’t ever leave me alone
The sky can’t be deserted by its moon

I always dream of being close to your sigh
As this happens I have wings to fly

Oh, my dear feel my suffer
Which easily disappear when being together

A touch of your hand makes me a live again
Come closer, my love relieves my pain

In my heart I have your love and forever will exist
In a faithful mind and a sincere chest

Away from you, the rose will wither
Only for missing a loyal lover

When I feel you by my side
I forget my arrogance and pride

Together forever we will remain
To set an example of love that no words can explain

A heart which is full of captive emotions aspire to release
I only exist to cheer you up and please
I fell in love the very moment I saw you
You taught my hear how to blow
Don’t leave me lonely so desperate
After the wonderful world you create
Every moment together in my heart I keep
That’s the only harvest in my life to reap
Whenever you pass by my sight
My eyes keep holing you so tight
Stay in my life forever
Let’s grow old together

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