broken people poems

Meaningless Existence | Michael Andreas - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Meaningless Existence | Michael Andreas

i’m not sure what you were trying to accomplish
by not looking in those dark corners

they weren’t going to go away
things like that can’t be ignored into oblivion

instead you chose to live a shallow, meaningless existence
never getting close to anyone

surrounded by many unsuspecting people
all of whom would build up your unhealthy ego

the people who most matter kept at arm’s length
to eventually walk away

Unresolved Issues | Tamara Sommers - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Unresolved Issues | Tamara Sommers

It’s almost like you have no idea
What you did to me, how you
Reduced me to tears and destroyed
My being, stepped on my joy
And turned it into refuse,
Made me feel so small,
All because you didn’t know how
To get over all your garbage and
Stop putting it on me,
I seriously doubt you’ll every
Realize the effect you have
On other people, the only thing
That matters is you protecting
Your unconscious, unresolved issues.

Destroying Everyone and Everything | Rodrigo Alcantara - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Destroying Everyone and Everything | Rodrigo Alcantara

I’m astonished at their
sheer cruelty, depravity,
hypocrisy, coldness,
the lengths they will go to
to mislead their followers
so they can get more power,
make more money.
At what point is enough enough?
When does this cruel push for riches end?
They’ll stop at nothing because
this is about much more than just money,
it’s about that horrible thing(s) that
happened to them as children and
that they have to punish the rest
of humanity for forever.
Go see a psychiatrist instead of
destroying everyone and everything else.

He Came Back Today | Lindsay Swarthmore - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

He Came Back Today | Lindsay Swarthmore

So, he came back today
And nobody was really
Happy about it,
Although he didn’t have a clue,
So typical—only thinking
About himself and what
He needs at any particular moment—
A giant hole that craves filling
But can never get enough,
A force that sucks up all the light
And leaves everything in darkness.

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