coming together poems

Tweet Dreams | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Tweet Dreams | Ivan Jenson

A revelation will
dawn on civilization like
the second coming or the
twelfth hour arrival of the prophecy
promised by various
dusty non-digital books
and this sermon will amount
to a hill of hallelujahs
and certain sects will
say “I told you so”
and others will say
“how could I know?”
and the stoners
and the stone throwers
will unite in a
holographic chant
as they are beamed up
like Spock and Kirk
to a place where
Charlton Heston
shoots flowers from a rifle
and that trifle you
worry your little head about
will be straightened out
like the sheets everyone
will wear wrapped around them
and Bacchus’s wine will flow
on a summer’s day
in the fall
of ideologies both
Western and Eastern
and everything intangible
will be all right

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From Unknown Galaxies We Came | Ramesh Kaul - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

From Unknown Galaxies We Came | Ramesh Kaul

From unknown galaxies
to this world we came,
to remain unknown, unmet
as strangers in the
magnetic poles of opposites.

We came via different paths
carrying our baggage
of destinies,
with our own dreams
and aspirations
to write them afresh…
can we?

We exist only to know us more
and live apart only to bond more,
isn’t this alone the purpose of
our existence, that someone
in the celestial world
destined for us.

Let the invisible bond
protect us from the
uncertainties of dreams,
let the trust build a shape
for our abode of love.

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