contemporary poems

Mechanical Memory Creator | Chris Way - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Mechanical Memory Creator | Chris Way

Listen here you little memory creator
You mechanical marvel of humankind
Show me what you’ve seen later
The time we cannot rewind
The eyes’ and minds’ tool of sight
The chemistry and processes expose gradients of light
The bigger the better the more to see
Turning a second into gold like its alchemy
The souls you are believed to steal and set free
The people you capture are all around me
The moments you make last an eternity
The memory goes blind and this is what you’ll see
From light to dark shades of grey
Any one year
Any one month
Of any given day
It’s a life that will not last forever
But more will see the memories stay

The Flint, Michigan Water Crisis | Buff Whitman-Bradley - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Flint, Michigan Water Crisis | Buff Whitman-Bradley

At the end
Of long hot summer afternoons
Parents call their children
Home for supper
And when the young ones come banging
Through screen doors
To slake their thirst
And cool down
For the evening meal
They pour themselves
Glasses of ice water

When the kids return from school
On frigid winter days
And take off their jackets
Their boots and hats, scarves and mittens
Mom sets out a few cookies on a plate
Then spoons some chocolate powder
Into a shiny cup
And adds boiling water

Water in the oatmeal
Water in the soup
Water in the orange juice
Water for boiling potatoes
Water for soaking beans
Water for poaching eggs
Water for stewing apples
Water for bathing and brushing teeth
Water in drinking fountains at the park
A glass of water the last thing
Before going to sleep at night

Water full of lead
Particularly toxic to youngsters
Water full of lead
Kept secret by the governor
Water full of lead
That killed a dozen children
Water full of lead
Causing brain damage
To countless others

In a just world
The wholesale poisoning of young children
Would be a crime against humanity
In a just world
Crocodile tears
And intricately crafted apologies
Uttered by empty suits
Would not be enough
In a just world
The governor and his henchman
Would be out of office
And behind bars

In a just world public officials
Will be decent and honorable people
In a just world
Governors and legislators will not cut taxes
For the well-off
Then allow essential services to decay
For lack of funds
In a just world
Health and safety will be human rights
Not budget line items
In a just world
Politics will not be contaminated
By the dense metals of mendacity and greed
The public good will prevail
None will be expendable
And the water we drink
Will be pure and clean

First Poem in a New Book | Paul Tristram - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

First Poem in a New Book | Paul Tristram

It’s nice to be able to look back
upon those dark times
with a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders
and a calmness to your untroubled brow.
It’s not because it wasn’t unpleasant, it was,
but because it’s gone so far back into the past
that it actually feels like a previous incarnation.
What matters really is that it weeded out
the ‘No Good People’ from your life.
You learnt valuable lessons
that can be only learnt in the flames.
And you came out the other side a survivor,
which means you WON!
Look at your life now
and the new way opening up before you.
Reap the rewards offered by the cartload.
That spring in your step is real and honest,
that smile upon your face is pride.
You passed a test, magnificently!
Feel that wise old soul within you
vibrating and glowing perfectly contented.
More at

In the Rain | T. F. Rice - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

In the Rain | T. F. Rice

“The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always
see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the
future less resolved than it will be.” –- Marcel Pagnol
raining cats and dogs
which is better than pet rocks
to be better is not always better off
the better part of a lifetime, sleeping
let sleeping dogs lay
which is better than teeth on the thigh
to be better is not always better off
the better part of a lifetime, eating
eat humble pie
which is better than to feed the ego
to be better is not always better off
the better part of a lifetime, speculating
there is no good time to speculate
especially in the rain

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