contemporary poetry online

Male Female Communication Breakdown |  G. S. Katz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Male Female Communication Breakdown | G. S. Katz

We don’t do a great job in this
matter of state

At best when we are listening
it’s sandwiched in with other thoughts

The best we can hope for is to sound intelligent
and hope to hell we don’t get busted for daydreaming

It’s gets worse as get older, thoughts lean towards
drinking or consuming food

It’s a work in progress for we cavemen

But this poem is proof, I’m thinking about it

Some street cred please…

On Ticking Wings | G. Louis Heath - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

On Ticking Wings | G. Louis Heath

Time works its ways. The island in
The river in your hometown erodes.

Jim Crow is no more and Germany
Is one. Liver spots and wrinkles

Colonize your skin. Japanese vets
Apologize for Pearl Harbor. Today

Clock hands release white doves at
Hiroshima flying on ticking wings.

From What I Remember of You |  Tim S. - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

From What I Remember of You | Tim S.

You were sweet once…
like a warm breeze
that brushed my cheek

under plum trees.
And had I the power
I’d have stood the world

on its head
to prolong your kisses–
those little miracles

ignorant of time
and vaporous years.
Oh, you were so sweet once

but like all mirages
you disappeared behind clouds
and faded. And I,

in the end,
was nothing more
than a quick shadow

that crossed your cheek
when your infatuation with me

And you discarded me
like the pit
of a devoured plum.

Words as Weapons | Blanca Alicia Garza - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Words as Weapons | Blanca Alicia Garza

Words can be soft
like a rose petal
Or can stick in your throat
like thorns, piercing and
grasping your tongue.
A single word can
heal a broken heart,
Or rip it into pieces
like a sharp blade.
Some words get stuck
deep inside our soul
without making a sound.
Those are the ones that
hurt the most.

Wise Whispers |  C.J. Hemsley - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Wise Whispers | C.J. Hemsley

They say,
20s are about finding your soul.
They’re about,
Festivities, fornication, friendships,
Frolicking, finding freedoms,
Finding yourself,
Helping, hoping, holding onto things,
Letting go,
Hungering for happiness,
Juxtaposing juvenile values
With mature morals,
And now, at 22,
I can say,
“I am a citizen of a world
Where the glory for gold seems
Out of step
With the visions of God.”

There’s a place in my memory,
An awful waste of space,
Analogous to a perpetual prison,
Regrets are kept alive,
And over time, morph into dementors.
Eclectic group of Soul snatching villains
That bankrupt me of emotions
And other fragile treasures:
Innocence, naiveness, sincerity,
gullibility, and optimism.
If the mind was a farm,
They’ve neither cropped bitterness,
Not razed faith.
They have sown principles
I reap daily and thrive off of.
For they are my teachers.

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