Busy Fingers A-Pickling |  Paul Tristram - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Busy Fingers A-Pickling | Paul Tristram

The kitchen steam is monumental,
it’s like standing up amongst the clouds.
Atmosphere ‘Juicy’
with the syrupy scents and aromas
of thickening preserves,
shredded flower petal and pumpkin seed
freshly baked bread rolls.
Those bingo-wings are a-sweltering
as she wipes her busy, buttered hands
upon the front of her
‘A Home Without Cat Hairs
Is Not A Home’ pinafore.
Then grimacing-up her beetroot face
into concentration, she goes in for the kill,
kneading that dough until it’s ‘Good and Proper’.
Sink taps a-gurgling and a-spurting,
juggling pots and pans and skyscraper trays
like a Circus Magician/Juggler.
Then ‘The Archers’ begin on Radio 4,
as amongst the countless, sparkling jars
she starts reaching for the vinegar,
herbs, onions, cauliflowers and gherkins.

More at https://paultristram.blogspot.co.uk/.