corrupt politicians poems

Trompe Rational Anthem | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Trompe Rational Anthem | Stan Morrison

Everything I do is always right
So when I speak or offer advice
Keep you mouth shut, be polite
The losers always hit a dry spell
But my word’s the holy gospel
The word perfection underserves me
No one on earth really deserves me
There’s one thing that I still don’t get
Why hasn’t my divinity caught on yet
Even if you prove I’m wrong
When your memory has gone
I’ll finally be vindicated
Just as I have indicted
While you easily see my lies on video tapes
Some alternative facts provide quick escapes
With endless insults and distortions
I blow the trivial out of all proportion
You’ll never know what I own or owe
You can’t figure out which way to go
impeach, arrest or just surrender
Colliding with me’ll be your worst fender bender
What serves me best as we roll along
I’m always right, you’re always wrong!
I bless the United States of America.

Elect | John L. Stanizzi - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Elect | John L. Stanizzi

The air has mass. We breathe in a thickness
made weighty by the acicular words
that roil and topple, and the black rags of
loathing snap, and multitudes of wretched
screaming mouths wrest what light there was from the
eyes of the hopeful, wrapping it in hate,
in sotted shadows, dimity nylon
masks that stretch over fear and anger, the
noses bent and twisted, recognition
vanished, a horrid molding of neighbors’
faces into gnarled and grim phantasms
tumbling like Frost’s magnified apples, the
rumble of discontentment, and whatever
trepidation I must overcome I
can’t name, though each sense seems lined with despair.

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Carousel of Lies | Ken Allan Dronsfield - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Carousel of Lies | Ken Allan Dronsfield

Round and round the liar goes
of dust to dawn and back again
crowns of briers, throne of nails
tell us a tale of the orange whale.
King of lies, speak in fiery breath
one more story of the raw untruth
cast away all cares, until icy death
contempt follows from early youth.
Burn in hell, you savor the flavor
flames lick cheeks, burning tongue
carry a dare into the devil’s favor
Carousel of lies you dance upon.

Trump | Marcus Severns - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Trump | Marcus Severns

He was a brilliant man
With an IQ of 94.
He had lost most of his money
In poor business.
His college failed,
His casino failed,
His past two marriages failed,
But he was a winner.
It was in his blood to succeed.
He knew how to make America “great again.”
It wasn’t so much different than
Any other plan
Any leader had.
Only, it didn’t favor the corporations
Who were too big for America alone.
It favored his own businesses.
If he bombed China, and made the factories
Based in America, then the money would stay
On the continent.
If he threatened to bomb Mexico
If they didn’t build a great wall
For tourists
Then he would make money from
His hotels and gift shops on the border.
If he threatened South Korea
To move their manufacturing plants
To the US, then they would have to do that
At a loss.
World war three is no consequence
When failure is not an option.
After all
He is a winner.

Biblical Tales | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Biblical Tales | Stan Morrison

like Moses and the burning bush
there is a conflagration of morality
with nonstop crimes and coverups
self-enrichment and debauches
that defy our ability to be shocked
while the doer’s flame isn’t snuffed out

then the senate parts the polluted waters
so the doer and the gang of thousands
can skate on through mockingly unscathed

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