courage poems

Tethers | Stephanie Wilcox - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Tethers | Stephanie Wilcox

That child folded under me like a century of war-torn pages blown away and tethered into nowhere.
Now we sing alone, tearstruck.
A distant home falls harder every second but the skylorn crows don’t stop their skulking.
They are merciless.
One night the breach will break,
The music untangled into rapture beyond earthly recognition will stream through our veins again,
rising against storms that enrage survival.
Let’s leave lovelessness to rot away.
Just stay still with me underneath the stardusted shadow cries while we wait.

The Night I Didn't Stand Up | Tricia Knoll - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Night I Didn’t Stand Up | Tricia Knoll

That rock concert in New Haven, Connecticut took me by surprise
and why – the national anthem and the crowd was ready,
as one the many stood and hooted for the band.

I didn’t, a white girl whose knees knocked and never thought
of kneeling. Short of breath under the video of carpet bombing
of Cambodia, over the top, over the edge saturation
killing in Cambodia. And this was my country ’tis of thee

I sat in protest. Forty years later the black man kneeled
in more courage than I had in a pot-smoke crowd.
I ducked when some guy yelled I should stand
but there are times when you can’t, when the wrong

is too great, and the great isn’t great enough. So when
Judge Ruth says it’s wrong not to stand but not illegal
I know it can be right and the only thing you can do,
and perhaps it’s better to let wrong drive you to your knees

than sit like a numb ass.

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No Island of Escape | G. Louis Heath - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

No Island of Escape | G. Louis Heath

There is no island on the rivers, nor in
The lakes or seas, or in abstruse clouds

To escape the plagues of humankind.
All bear the black dog on their backs

As shadow nibbles mountain, plain, and
Valley to our doors. Yes, the megrims

Bite deep but we must carry on against
The plagues that beset us. The way is

Hard, strewn with mighty windfalls and
Boulders, on a high, torturous route, each

Step precarious. We hunger for the meadow,
Open to all. There we can enfold one unto

Another, build bridges of spirit and act, to
Deny the evil days of barbarous annihilation.

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