despair poems

Into the Oil of Your Significance | Allison Grayhurst - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Into the Oil of Your Significance | Allison Grayhurst

Bring me back
for I am lost
like a false thing kept on guard as truth.
I am an albatross thrown broken-winged
across the sea. I am pesticide touching lips.
The dead thing tied to my back is finding
a way in.
I found nothing holy on this shore.
I can barely keep afloat – my words are rotten,
my hymns are carried off by a storm.
The leap I took
has ended in disaster.
My dance has reached a conclusion.
My life is haunted. The rope
is pulled.
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Allison Grayhurst is a member of the League of Canadian Poets. Three times nominated for Sundress Publications “Best of the Net” 2015, she has over 1000 poems published in over 410 international journals. She has sixteen published books of poetry, seven collections and nine chapbooks. She lives in Toronto with her family. She is a vegan. She also sculpts, working with clay.

Living Shadow | John Hunter - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Living Shadow | John Hunter

Dancing through the sorrow, I step around the pain,
but nothing breaks the bough of memory and shame.
Pressured on my path, I never look away,
blocking from my sight, a single welcomed ray.
Garnered by the dawn and darkened by the fight,
a missed relief, a single breath of solitary light.
A wretched walk, a shadowed path – a history of souls.
Abreast I stand with myself hidden by the folds.
Broken by despair and shrouded in delusion
A walk I take, hand in hand – and draw the same conclusion.

Elect | John L. Stanizzi - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Elect | John L. Stanizzi

The air has mass. We breathe in a thickness
made weighty by the acicular words
that roil and topple, and the black rags of
loathing snap, and multitudes of wretched
screaming mouths wrest what light there was from the
eyes of the hopeful, wrapping it in hate,
in sotted shadows, dimity nylon
masks that stretch over fear and anger, the
noses bent and twisted, recognition
vanished, a horrid molding of neighbors’
faces into gnarled and grim phantasms
tumbling like Frost’s magnified apples, the
rumble of discontentment, and whatever
trepidation I must overcome I
can’t name, though each sense seems lined with despair.

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