discrimination poems

Rear Entrance | JD DeHart - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Rear Entrance | JD DeHart

They told him to go
to the back door, face
the wrong shade
to walk in the front

Years later they would
tell him the playing
field was equal, those
were the sins of long-
ago ancestors

They would tell him
he lives in a country
that is longer racist,
sexist, or classist

But he would take
a long look around
and beg to differ.

More at http://jddehartpoetry.blogspot.com/.

It's Not Over | Sarena Tien - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

It’s Not Over | Sarena Tien


I embody nearly everything
the red puzzle pieces
of our country
stand against.

I sobbed until I couldn’t breathe.

But my friends
ignited a storm,
sympathy rain
and solidarity wind.

Hope lives on
in the minorities
the fighters
the dreamers.

We will not be silenced.

This is our fight,
America’s fight,
the world’s fight.
And we won’t back down.

Inquisitive Mind | Julia Hones - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Inquisitive Mind | Julia Hones

Why do we talk about women’s rights?
When shall we consider them human rights?

Why do we put up with a man
who calls a woman “disgusting”
when she wants to extract from her body
the precious fluid that helps her baby think and thrive?

Albert Einstein said we should never stop asking questions,
but if he had been a woman,
her statement might have been trashed.

More at https://juliahoneswritinglife.blogspot.com.

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