dreaming poems

Oleander Dreams | Judy Moskowitz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Oleander Dreams | Judy Moskowitz

Last night I dreamed a story from the edge
a cluster headache of events that would not end
I sketched the outline tipping a memory jar
forgive and forget
the holy thing to do but I’m not holy
I’m flawed like you
seeking revenge through the depths of deep dreams
surrounded by a garden of Oleanders just for you

Adrift into a Snow Globe | Ken Allan Dronsfield - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Adrift into a Snow Globe | Ken Allan Dronsfield

As I gaze through the glass of the snow globe.
My mind drifts off and I find myself there skating.
Through the snowflakes, and the bonfire’s glow
mugs of cocoa with tiny marshmallows waiting.
The vision of my girl, wearing her long red coat
with faux fur around the hood and white mittens,
knitted hat and long white scarf cover her throat
skating along the pond, her blond hair in ribbons.
Moving along with grace in my old black skates
I race along the pond, trying to catch up with her
finally getting close, I call out, then she hesitates
I fly on by, trip, land on my dignity, hitting with a blur.
I can hear her giggling with glee from behind me,
but I suddenly wake from my daydream visions
still standing there, globe in hand, I leave it be,
smiling, thankful for memories of love’s adoration.

More at https://arevenantpoet.wordpress.com/.

Coming to a Head | JD DeHart - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Coming to a Head | JD DeHart

All the images and the sounds
of a long day of striving came
to an imminent head, waking
up no less than four times, burning
sour stomach, heart palpitating
image, all to be surrendered
for a more long-lasting peace,
remnants of political propaganda,
crossbow murder mysteries,
sad siren folk music.
More at https://jddehartpoetry.blogspot.com.

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