emotional poetry

Time to Get Crack-a-Lacking on That Grief of Yours | Paul Tristram - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Time to Get Crack-a-Lacking on That Grief of Yours | Paul Tristram

Stop trying to fight the flood,
damming that river of anguish
twisting through
your heartbroken soul.
To ‘Feel’ is to ‘Heal’
it’s all but a small step
up a bigger staircase.
A universal suffering…
which we all connect to at times
upon this haphazard road of life.
Cry… cry again… then some more,
absorb… release… purify.
Cast your unneeded anger
to the howling winds,
it’s merely road-blocking
your better, brighter emotions.
Luck and light return often
just as quickly and unexpectedly
as they both depart.
In your darkest hour,
cruellest corner…
be nice to yourself,
remember when the mirror
beamed brilliantly back at you
and hide not away from the New Dawn.
More at https://paultristram.blogspot.co.uk/.

Crimson in the Sky | Devon Phipps - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Crimson in the Sky | Devon Phipps

When my emotions die,
Always they seem to fly toward the sky.
Unforgiving disdain I struggle to restrain,
To purge from my soul,
As the new cycle begins.
Anxiously, I witness what my emotions have done,
A blanket of crimson that blocks out the sun.
But is there still hope?
A guiding light that is spared
Comfortably illuminates my heart
As I look up in despair.
In this moment, I realize hope exists
As I gaze off quietly toward the distance.
Book available on Lulu.com, http://www.lulu.com/shop/devon-phipps/when-i-sense-emotions/paperback/product-21667546.html.

Perfect Love in Small Measures | Pushmaotee Subrun - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Perfect Love in Small Measures | Pushmaotee Subrun

Many of us experience love in short measures
Making life perfect in small measures
Most flowers bloom and wilt soon,
Just as love vanishes like the unsteady moon
Or simply wilts, decays, meets death,
To be temporarily honoured with wreaths.

Encompassing a variety of emotional and mental states,
Love at one moment prospers, followed by hate
And ravaging jealousy which overpower,
Leading to satanic and animalistic behaviour.
Attraction and attachment vanish into thin air,
Love turns into a dream crusher or a snare.

All kindness and compassion go to the wind.
Romanticism, love and promises rewind,
Hate and abusive words dominate,
Promises of love discarded and left at the gate,
What dominates is devastating hate,
To the distress of the once-so-called soul mate.

The sentiment might appear again,
With nothing much to gain,
Making partners live in a fool’s paradise,
Lust, followed by intimacy, brings the honeymoon phase,
Gradually to be replaced by bewilderment as if in a maze,
Till the thunder terrifyingly again rumbles.

If love can be had in small measures
With all its pressures,
Why then, do we voluntarily and blindly,
So recklessly, so heedlessly,
Jump into the trap of vain declarations constantly?
Oh, the encroaching traps of love ephemerally!

Mom's the Word | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Mom’s the Word | Ivan Jenson

I remember when I
knew that our long
windy conversation
was over
and that I had said
absolutely everything
to you
like a voice over
a montage of years…
I confessed, joked
bragged, sought advice
begged forgiveness
or crossed over the line
and made you cross
as I stood under
the crucifix
of your righteousness
yes, you will always be
Saint Ana Teresa
to me
and I still can’t fathom
all that you have meant
or why you now give me
this endless silent

More at http://www.ivanjenson.com/.

Just for One Night | PYG's Whisper - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Just for One Night | PYG's Whisper

Just for one night
can I stop pretending!
The more I see you the more I want you
In the darkness,
neither the moon nor candles nor even the sun
can illuminate my eyes
Only your golden glow
has the power to clean
the black feelings that cover my heart
Your smile painted
on your honey lips
makes me survive
As soon as I touch you
my body flies to heaven
My heart is lost in your chest
and your mysterious look
makes my mind confused
Is it love between us?
or maybe what I feel
is a stupid adopted imagination
of an old story about
the impossible love between
a slave and the princess!
Just for one night,
can you share with me your warmth?
Just for one night
can you play the role of the prince
who saves Snow White with a kiss?
Just for one night
can you forget who I am
and welcome my frozen body in your arms?
If it could be possible that I leave the world tomorrow
Let me put an end to my life beside you just for one night…

Love Is... | Ajise Vincent - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Love Is… | Ajise Vincent

a wooden flute
whose note mud
coils of war.
a wheelchair
to cripple emotions
that can’t tread to affection’s market.
an antidote
to dreams that
have been kissed by the cobra.
a kola nut
that dies so as to pass peace
to the conscience of warring-kings.
a town crier
that adumbrate riddles of truth
to the ears of mortals.
a balm of the present
to massage
pangs of yore.
Love is simply life.

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