environmentalism poems

The Visitor | Jenny Middleton - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Visitor | Jenny Middleton

I open my door and find you waiting
Amongst autumn and falling, failing light
Dressed in the thickness of a dun overcoat,
The verdurous twine of ancient forests
Un-scrolling as you speak.
Your cracked lips shape islands and words isolate
The truth of your visit and the sickness
Of plastic churns grey in our ocean guts.
Inside I offer pain-killers and recycle
Panaceas of wisdom.
We analyse the figures
And skate through thinning ice against
The brooding night as the as the drift of damp moss
Grows through our conversation claiming
A small victory against the great highway.

Did you call too late?
Outside the concrete is spread and setting.

More at https://www.jmiddletonpoems.com/.

Water Conservation | Aarav Surana - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Water Conservation | Aarav Surana

This gargantuan task of water conservation,
What good does it to the nation?
Water is as salient as food,
It does to many a lot of good.

Water is a segment of many a fruit,
One without it is as good as a brute.
Water is a homeland to many,
Conserve it or there won’t be any.

Many use water as a refreshing element,
Or they just won’t be relevant.
For to every man, juvenile or old,
Water is as good as gold.

So conserve this cardinal commodity,
Or everyone will feel a certain oddity.
Now you know what it does for the nation,
This gargantuan task of water conservation.

Lament | Jenny Middleton - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Lament | Jenny Middleton

Paved, tarred streets smother us
Dreaming.. stilled.
Beneath, if you listen,
Grass echoes its longing
and ancient verges, glades
and meadows sweet ache
In our fox soul of red souls
As we tread wearily,
Ceaselessly towards a confinement
of city.

an astronaut I heard
lamenting from the station
cries knowing amid our gains
loss lays heavy lidded
bleeding breaths mon-oxide doused
to a paling sky.

Shoving up between each step
Weeds protest their places
Abandoning all
pretence we scatter home
to find waiting lonely
and wilting, shedding leaves
our own journey in green tears.

Winter Becoming Spring Again | Mark Grinyer - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Winter Becoming Spring Again | Mark Grinyer

Winter Becoming Spring Again
Storm patterns change
when winter turns to spring
when Arctic fronts
leave ice and snow behind
and an atmospheric river drains
the tropics over land,
bringing winds and thunderstorms ashore
creeping up the mountain slopes
until high altitude
remakes the rain as snow
piling deep on frozen ground
awaiting sunshine soaking in,
transforming ice to snowmelt flowing
downslope once again
to burnt-off canyon hillsides
blooming where the fires raged
when fearful drought
from global warming,
became these lowlands burning
decades of annual growth recycled
reborn now in floods and mudslides
crushing toward the sea again,
where surf rebounds
from rocky shorelines
rising above the ocean’s heatsink
bringing balance to the country
while storing new cyclonic furies
in deep blue icy waters–
next year’s winter storms upwelling
from the past, the winter dying,
remaking this, our home, again
in patterns drawn from humankind’s
neglectful depredations.

An Unheard Scream | Sadia Mehmood Qurashi - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

An Unheard Scream | Sadia Mehmood Qurashi

Dying leaves are making the noise!
Can you listen their yelling voice?

They are shouting all around!
Over the golden broad ground!

Recall that time we used to rustle,
Chirping of birds, hustle and bustle,

Remember the time we gave you shades,
You sat the nearby when it fades,

We are made to enliven this planet,
Healthy plants, healthy planet,

O Man! Wake up and listen their cry,
Telling the pain of saying good bye!

Here is a secret they commend,
Every start has an end!

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