equal rights poems

A Petty Bud | Mehak Gupta Grover - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Petty Bud | Mehak Gupta Grover

A little kernel in the mother’s womb,
I lie sheltered in her protective amniotic fluid,
dreaming of a calm and joyous futurity.
But, alas, I’m roused from sleep.
“I”, yes I am a girl!
Let me acquaint myself-
I have the same flesh, same bones, same eyes, same nose.
I am also a human, is it?
Still, I have to feel the pain of being a girl!
Why am I considered feeble?
Why do the hoarding says- for old-aged, handicapped and WOMEN!
Why my own people are making me imbecile?
When it comes to morality, there is always one rule for me
and other for the antipode.
Do we actually enact what we say?
We talk about equality- do we follow it?
We talk about right and wrong- do we accept it?
We talk so much and implement so little.
So many questions rises in my head and makes me go weak at my knees.
Still, I am proud of myself.
I have succeeded in stepping up your ranks.
You said my gender would not let me achieve success.
You held me back, demotivated me. I thank you.
Your “wise words” made me try my hardest and today I am
an officer, a CEO, a Prime Minister, a boxer and even a wife and a mother.
And, let me promulgate, multitasking is not your cup of tea.
Today, I stand on the same podium as you,
that I can do everything and more than you can,
that I am the best thing that could ever have happened to you and this world.
Yes, I am a girl and I am proud of myself.

More at https://www.facebook.com/thehumanequest/.

Playing for Change | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Playing for Change | Stan Morrison

Traditions celebrate pride, not superiority
They connect through joy, not just tragedy
Sharing traditions melts away barriers
Isolation embraces superiority
While tragedy yearns for comfort

Cross pollination incinerates hatred
And coaxes many peoples along
How long must the lists grow
Lists of inhumanity and villains
Raise your voices, bang your drums

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