existence poems

A Selection of Small Poems by Rebecca Cowgill - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Selection of Small Poems by Rebecca Cowgill

night’s end
silhouettes of stars
lay in the sun’s shadow


pieces of driftwood
answering your questions
blown out candles


spring horizon
settling down
the long distance snow


moonlit dusk
the drift of the old oak
in the empty wallet


pieces of driftwood
ebb on the shore
winter sunset


scents from a bubble bath
on the low laying sun
a shadow of stars


spring horizon
a line of cocktails
washing away memories


forgotten memories
meander in the stars
above lay lowing clouds


winter horizon
echoes of your dreams
on distant constellations


scent of vanilla
in the bubble bath soap
spring sunrise

Surfacing |  Marie MacSweeney - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Surfacing | Marie MacSweeney

Atoms cool in the roundness of new night.
A searing hiss as suns settle into skies.
Planets sigh and sway into first sleep.
Trees bed down in those dark patches
of warm earth, shiver as waves
coax water upward over sand

and the electric swing of a storm
is left dangling overhead…

After birth tremors subside
is a lull
and we lie curled up
on raw soil,
our new hearts thumping wildly
when we are drawn up,
bone by howling bone,
left standing…

Cursor |  J.K. Durick - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Cursor | J.K. Durick

The cursor signals, winks on and off, uses a code
I have yet to master. Sometimes it seems amused,
Pleased with itself over an inside joke I don’t get.

Other times, it becomes a warning, desperate for
My attention, as if the page were a flooded road
Much too dangerous to wade in or drive through,

Sinkholes waiting, hidden, ready to drown me
In paperwork and complex incomplete thoughts,
And sometimes, every once in a while, it greets,

Like an old friend might, or a fan cheering me on
As I finish a full marathon, barefoot in this rain.
The cursor signals out, like a coast watcher in war,

Like a frantic radioman as his Titanic goes down,
Like a traffic light and a really bad intersection,
The corner of my life and all these blank pages.

It winks off and on as if it were counting down
From some set number, a bit out of rhythm,
Like a poorly tuned heartbeat, a pulse beat

To check on and hope for, like an anxious medic
Triaging on a blank battlefield, a reassuring beat
Playing on, restlessly wanting me to respond.

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