existence poems

Weed | Renee' Drummond-Brown - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Weed | Renee' Drummond-Brown

Sow a seed
Plant a tree
Water and soon
Reap the growth
Leave it be
Fend for self
Watch the weed
Dedicated to Wildflower’s.
Renee’ Drummond-Brown, is an accomplished poetess/writer. She is a graduate of Geneva College (CUBM) with experience in creative writing. She is working on her fourth book and has numerous works published globally. Her love for creative writing is undoubtedly displayed through her very unique style of poetry. Renee’ is inspired by Dr. Maya Angelou, because of her, Renee’ pledges “Still I write, I write, and I’ll write!”

Of Memories, Market and Promises | Debasish Parashar - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Of Memories, Market and Promises | Debasish Parashar

Better not try
To impress
With your sorrows
Life has few hollows
To be empty
Your promises are leaves
In a forest deciduous
Fertile in fall
Otherwise green
If memories were governed
By demand and supply
Market forces I mean
All geniuses could be ordinary
All histories linear
since they are not
Meanings can be metaphors.

More at https://debasishparashar.wordpress.com.

All Good Traction |  Paul Tristram - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

All Good Traction | Paul Tristram

As the Past keeps regurgitating itself
to once more become crushed underfoot.
An unescapable cinematic loop
snapping at your forward motion.
You grit your teeth, strengthen your frown,
pull up your collar to face the uncertain future.
The only charts and maps
you have at your disposal
are from the previous mistakes and victories
which you’ve already fought, learnt and processed through.
That Boil of doubt and indecision
needs to be continually lanced and removed.
Fear is not the real Enemy
but a phantom grasping phobia.
The Struggle, is all that we have.
Another hurdle merely shows us
that we are still alive and breathing.
A rainbow never appears until after the storm
and behind it another downpour is already a-brewing.
Your Target is the Journey itself,
Happiness is not a Destination.
But, merely a series of pit stops
sporadically spread out
and to be temporarily enjoyed
before stepping onwards again towards Eternity.

Musings | JayM - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Musings | JayM

Trace roses, stars of movement and magic precincts,
Pick a flower,
Behold! It is a smile of inexhaustable lightness,
Alive in a life of bliss within.


Time frozen in cascading delight,
Senses awake, soaring on a higher plane.
A sibilance of silk.


Calm the rush,
To percieve the miracle of transformation in the pursuit of happiness,
Truth of nature poised,
The wonder explained.
Revelation, in all its glorious splendour.


Moonshadow | Diane Woodward Dorff - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Moonshadow | Diane Woodward Dorff

“And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”
Act 3, Scene 2, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
stalking the sun
overtakes a blaze
a brilliant crescent of the furnace sun
penumbra of celestial movements
as the shadow spreads
like a silent bell
like the eyes of a wolf closing slowly
in the summer dusk
stealthy in the daylight sky
like lifting of the deep green leaves
grown fat with summer
breath as silent as a hungry cat
moving slowly on
the flaming prey
the curtain cool with darkness
spreads its shade
sending thoughts of sleep
into the darkening air
to the obliging beasts
who sleep when cool dark
we stand below
we listen
through the hush of glasses
shadows humming
whispering like silent snow
music soft behind our shaded eyes
as the moon arrives
the solar rim ignites a
crown, corona
dogged moon scrapes
its ragged rim
blazing beads of fire
and thoughts of diamond rings
and then

Temptation | Zohar Teshartok - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Temptation | Zohar Teshartok

Under the cover of darkness,
Skies full of stars
Are softly tempting:
To lift your head
Re-calculate route.
Zohar Teshartok lives in Ramat-Gan, Israel. He is a graduate (BA) from Bar-Ilan University in Israeli literature, Jewish art and Information Science. His stories and poems have appeared in magazines, anthologies and in electronic format in Israel and abroad.

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