human nature poems

A Dialogue with My Soul | Durgesh Verma - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Dialogue with My Soul | Durgesh Verma

“I’ve faith in my feathers
which give the ability to fly worldwide
with my 6/6 eyesight.

My light weighted skeleton helps me to hop-
to plash in the cool shallow river
and to prance on the tree top.

Our species live in the flock
which is considered a form of culture.
I’m completely shocked to see man’s nature like the vulture.

I migrate on great distance
without having any hindrance.
But you’ve merely made range.

I have a toothless beak to chirp and to sing.
But you harshly cut down
my wings in a single blink!

You’ve put me in the cage
& have snatched my part of sunshine.
May I know the reason for such heinous crime!”

Funny | Haris Adhikari - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Funny | Haris Adhikari

Funny, how people pop up
in disguise, or in infatuation, following
to find a fault or two, pasting
on the virtual cliff of today’s culture.
Funny further
how plastic hearts
pulsate life into
moments of wide grins, either by grinning
on the doorway, leaning
a nubile body, revealing
the interior– posh empty
sofa, chair, money plant, erotic
painting lookin’ down
at the empty glass on the table– or by
coming to a long, long emotional appeal,
telling a story of a stranded,
exotic princess in exile, asking
to be an abetter, to send a few
hundred dollars, for some ‘technical reasons’,
to get the royal treasures back– or by conning
into giving your account number
for some unknown American lottery you’ve won!
Who are these people? Don’t they have
any other work to do? Funny,
funny even for a thought!
Om Mani Padme Hum!

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Fish Condominiums | Ryan Quinn Flanagan - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Fish Condominiums | Ryan Quinn Flanagan

The casual way I flipped through the pages sickened me
I thought of typhoid fever in the sub-tropics
shipwrecks that become fish condominiums under the sea
the homeless man outside in the rain who never once smiled
for lack of teeth
and the way I watched the stairs to see the legs
that would come down them,
then the faces which were always a disappointment,
I felt a sudden aversion
as though distaste and fasting had become the same thing
when I wasn’t looking…
closing my eyes to sun tracers
I decided to flip through six more pages,
then be done with the thing.

Face It | Anita Pitter - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Face It | Anita Pitter

The eyes have their own vocabulary,
They speak in volumes and not just words.
The lips, when in silence, merge together,
Like the folded wings of roosting birds.
The chin holds a stubbornness,
That yields subtly to change, now and then,
The nose, flared when furious,
Breathes steadily and calmly when…
The ears listen to words, unspoken, unexpressed, you see?
The face says it all, it is an open book for you and me.

Whimsy | JD DeHart - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Whimsy | JD DeHart

Canned laughter plays
in the background, cascading
in a nostalgic pointing back
Enjoy being a child
when you can, they told me,
hold on to the plastic figures
How I would arrange them, telling
small cinematic stories, articulating
poses, playing music
Real human beings are not so
easy to arrange, and whimsy
went away a while ago.
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