infatuation poems

The Show | Soumyadeep Bhattacherya - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Show | Soumyadeep Bhattacherya

Lazy lashes wide opened
Dreamy eyes
Looking through the magic box
Saw a crafted painting
A perfect masterpiece of work
Vibrant colours, perfect strokes
Reserved a space in my heart
Butterflies were playing hide and seek
In the lap of nature
Sun was ready for the charming day
Clouds poked me for a heavenly date
Moon, behind the curtain blushed
Her unfathomable grace
Adds a spark,
Its time to greet goodbye
Show ended
Actors bowed
Applause welcomed the beginning

Caught | Judy Moskowitz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Caught | Judy Moskowitz

Caught inside his smile
The way in was welcoming
A smooth and easy glide
Sewn into his cloth
Each thread tight
Hot spot warnings
A trail of suspicion
But I don’t listen
I’m caught inside his smile
Hooked into his song
Brooding black eyes mourn
A runner up
In a maze
Of second hand thoughts
The 5 o’clock shadow
From the night before
Alibis and submission
Caught inside his lies

The Crush |  Wanda Morrow Clevenger - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Crush | Wanda Morrow Clevenger

a girl in my graduating class
had a crush on
our married biology teacher
she was the overachiever
kind, the over-confident
kind, the kind
that runs for class president
and more than often wins
and this crush was
the kind that strangles
virgins in their sleep
the kind that possesses
overachieving virgins
until they commit
to mortifying acts

her need to expose
the crush was such
that she drew his face
and left the signed sketch
in her desk
for him to find,
to find and fall

I don’t know why
she told me, we
weren’t friends,
or why she thought
he would
rummage through
her desk, hers and
hers alone

but I have decided
that a janitor found it
during summer break
and didn’t give it
a second look

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