introspection poems

Reflections | JayM - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Reflections | JayM

Rippled reflections on a walk in the rain,
A solitary, floating, wandering cloud
Chasing shadows.

Drop kissed lashes
washed afresh,
A view new
Green, serene,
Petrichor wings lift the mind
A soaring kite
A toy
An embodiment of joy.

Beauty expressed as truth,
Splashing wonder of a benign awakening
The gurgling brook
Within the whisper of the kite- string bond,
Quietude in togetherness found
Turning tempest into calm.

A mosaic of delight, the night
Waltzing under a silver light
Footsteps slide, alongside
In a silent glide.

The embrace of freedom in a thousand showers of tinkling wind-chime peals
An illumination of being,
The voyage of life
In one salutation of a trembling leaf in the rain.
Rippled reflections on a walk in the rain…

Collision | Justateddyberry - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Collision | Justateddyberry

Perhaps I collide too much with this world
I go against the flow
And it seems like I don’t belong
But I’m not courageous enough
To say I can make a change
For the better
Everyone’s word
Carries a different meaning along with it
And I thought I’d learnt
But then I realize again and again
Even after understanding all that I know
It’s almost like
I still don’t know anything
About this world
It’s just so confusing
And the levels keeps getting higher
The layers of masks
Piling and piling
Till I don’t know what I’m supposed to see
Or if what I know
Is still true
Or perhaps
Everything has already changed
It’s as if
My version is outdated
And I’ve returned to a level of a kid
Where doors are shut
And sounds are muted
Where I have to fight
All the levels again

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Me & Myself | Prafulla Sriniwas - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Me & Myself | Prafulla Sriniwas

Me and myself are on journey of life,
We roam around
We broke laughter
We went through the edge of a knife.

We talked to each other
We choked each other
We revoked each other
And we learn to live in plight either

We saw the dream
We fought and scream
We challenged ourselves often
And we went against the flow of a stream

We did whatever we want
We didn’t give up our chant
We pushed ourselves to the mount
Against all those odds that count

Finally, we learned the spirit of life
It’s nothing but to be our own
Take that criticism and betrayal,
Train yourself resistant & forget which is gone

Somehow This Year I Missed the Colors | SD Stalzer - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Somehow This Year I Missed the Colors | SD Stalzer

Somehow this year
I missed the colors
blushing peach leaves
sheaves of maple
and beech the gold
littered forest path.
Head frantic a
glacial erratic
matter on a
frozen river
ceases endless
chatter inside me.
Stopped motionless
cloned saplings of oak
and bone push out
arms cleaving shards
from stone to make
me look up too late.
SD Stalzer is a Boston area composer, educator, technologist, and poet. His poetry attempts to merge the sensibilities of contemporary visual arts and music into verbal forms that explore the wonders and challenges of being alive.

Serenity | Judy Moskowitz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Serenity | Judy Moskowitz

I’ve seen the divine in eyes
Other than mine
Living in a state of anxiety
Breathing becomes a challenge
Phantom pain repeats the same song
With no landscape of recognition
Does it live on the limb of a tree
Too high to reach its fruit
Or hide inside blades of grass
That sway like a slow love song
Will it find me too late
Will I ever know its face

Beginnings | Rebecca Nunns - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Beginnings | Rebecca Nunns

The day I realised that I’m just like everyone else. Clarity.
I spent all my time thinking that I was different, unusual. [Apparently] I thought differently to everyone else. [I] Wanted, needed different things. Craved isolation. Solitude. Peace. Contentment. Simplicity overall. Fought the pre-programmed urges [resistance]. Rose above it all. Years of fighting. Fighting emotion. Hiding emotion. Addicted to becoming addicted. Filling emptiness, hopelessness, loneliness with the insignificancies that made me feel different. That make everyone different. In exactly the same way.
Every moment planned and thought out extensively. [Always] Knowing what would become reality and what would become despair. Though, most of the time, both. [Yeah] Everyone’s unique. Unique in whom and what they conform to. There are no loners. Even they belong. I must belong. Accept. Out of my head. Out of my mind maybe. There is no such thing as unique when it comes to humanity. I need to learn to enjoy my own company. I am capable of anything. If anything is not extraordinary, am I capable of nothing. [What is my] Potential? Potential to gain happiness. [Or] Normality. Is it wrong to strive for simplicity [?]. Why hide from and push away dreams? No matter how small [they are dreams] we grow up being told to reach for the stars. What if you [I] don’t want stars? [Primeval] Basic urges. Desires. A longing. Pushing away instinct. Neglecting my own ambition. Knowing I will never have what will make me happy makes me happy. Protecting myself. Unreachable [dreams]. Fooling myself. [Then] Becoming a fool. Separating fantasy from reality becomes impossible. Fantasy is all I have. For now.
The present. Feeling as if this could be the beginning. Knowing what could become. Reachable. Endless thoughts. Leading to the unknown. Bottomless. Futile. Should you know? Fate. Destiny. The end. Meaningless. Hollow. Inconsequential. Hope? You don’t trust yourself. Maybe fate and destiny are what you need. Your own hands haven’t gotten you anywhere closer thus far. Trust. But why now? It’s been too many years. Belief. The key. An answer. Decisions. Choices. Signs. You are the direction. Realisation. Clarity. Subconscious levels. You progress yourself. Maintain and develop. If shown the way, would you follow? To reach the vision? Utopia. Where does it end? When does it end? Do we ever get the explanation we want. Will we ever [?] Do we need it to continue[?] Validation. Purpose. Nature.

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