metaphor poems

One’s Poem | Steven Fortune - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

One’s Poem | Steven Fortune

Intellectual asylum would appear
to be the remedy for optimal
loquacity miscarried

When the appeal of one’s personality
is measured by the dexterity
of one’s decibels
there ulcerates a retrograde aspiration
to be a rock, to be an island
fortified by the poetry of the ostracized

Owners of the souls so branded
by body language
that an honorable mention
of cultured eccentricity
would be a conspiracy to euphemise
an incongruous presence

To be themselves
is to pry a fissure of contentment
into plains of compromised comportment
and no capacity of sheepish smiles
earns admission to the shelter of frivolity

The con in conversation
disrobes syllabic status like a Trojan Horse
unraveling a spoof of euphony
to decimate at its source
the confidence attained in one’s small talk
on the basis of its evidence in one’s own ear

The cajoling army of loquacity ignites
a brash battalion of belly laughs
like torches for the anarchistic culling
of the unassertive into their cathartic Bastilles
of libraries and coffee houses

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Flight Made Fluid | Steven Fortune - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Flight Made Fluid | Steven Fortune

Flattered art
unscrews tight congealings of
days shunned by the planner
attempting and failing to wipe up
the lather of ascendance
serenaded by the mountain muse
of exclamation marks
Some kind of fashionista Zeus
for aspirant scene thieves
Breath their only prison
Artificial light their only insecurity
in galaxies painted with
firmaments of ivory
and blotted with bold black constellations
Sailors love a siren in uniform

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Lines Are Life | Susy Kamber - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Lines Are Life | Susy Kamber

A long line ties everything up.
It winds around the buildings.
Communicating something.
Is anyone inside?
Holding hands and waiting?
One line lays on the ground and a young boy off his bike straddles it.
Talking to friends.
It’s an underground line.
Exposed just like the others.
They are hollow.
Like blood vessels.
As if your body were turned inside out
The building pulsating.
The ground, too.
Lines are life.

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