modern poets

Courtroom Drama | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Courtroom Drama | Stan Morrison

one expert identified the sneaker treads
another testified about the blood spatter
a producer of “forensic frenzy” took notes
it was a perfectly purulent television matter

a hostile witness reluctantly took the stand
exhibits a to z and everything else in between
the jury was either excused or sequestered
objections and overrules peppered the scene

the judge was in no mood for shenanigans
the press was excluded, not knowing why
it was a once in a century rare type of case
a call for justice for brazenly swatting a fly

Chennai Floods | Ananya S. Guha - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Chennai Floods | Ananya S. Guha

When rains lashed Chennai
city in India,
floods washed children
and offered tears to them
so that they could weep
again, for sorrows of their
and the city slept peacefully
after that, as after every holocaust, there is baleful silence.

No one is talking about it anymore.
No one is weeping,
No one is interested in knowing what floods can do
to ordinary people.
Chennai– extraordinary city.

The Image | Ananya S. Guha - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Image | Ananya S. Guha

I love that image
love it, not mine
not yours, I love that face
which in the hidden artifacts
of poetry is mine, yours.
What do rhythms say, speak, in that image
is there a visage shattered
contemplative, like a thinking sage?
In that image, what’s yours
mine, breaking distances
that image is a shattering piece of hope.
Time cannot travel,
nor the image, mine yours.
The image speaks poetry besotted with love, it writhes in pain at the smatter of the word, or the pain of blood.
The image is requiescent
and hidden, it stares me
in my face.
The image voices so many
rainbows. I am in love with it.
Not me, you.

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