mother poems

Mom's the Word | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Mom’s the Word | Ivan Jenson

I remember when I
knew that our long
windy conversation
was over
and that I had said
absolutely everything
to you
like a voice over
a montage of years…
I confessed, joked
bragged, sought advice
begged forgiveness
or crossed over the line
and made you cross
as I stood under
the crucifix
of your righteousness
yes, you will always be
Saint Ana Teresa
to me
and I still can’t fathom
all that you have meant
or why you now give me
this endless silent

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Palm Leaves | Abigail Ayornu - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Palm Leaves | Abigail Ayornu

The beautiful leaves lingering like a genius
With its branches having an earring
As the fruits ripe
Her appetite whets to eat the fruits of her labour
Is like a youth springing to maturity
With all her sparkling features
Having hairs on the stem is natural
As it unveils the beauty of womanhood
Not to talk of the roots
Having meritable feets
Standing in one location
Trapped in the middle of the forest

Elephant Spirit Matriarch | Angel Edwards - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Elephant Spirit Matriarch | Angel Edwards

The elephant matriarch spirit
must look out for the good
of the entire herd

She will cast an even handed
kindly rulership
over all of the herd
with no favourites
the mother’s ruling is
The final word

However elephant children
take presedence
their well being
the essence of their

. noble inflexible
. gentle terrible

. elephant spirit
the matriarch

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