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My Mother Knows | Laura Simmons - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

My Mother Knows | Laura Simmons

My mother is old
But make no mistake
She knows.
She knows how people can be cruel
And she’s having none of it.
She knew a hungry boy
Who came begging at her door
“Fill my bag to here, Miss Miposi
I want a little more. ”
She knew a girl whose body was twisted
But whose mind was keen.
She was sent to a place that was dark and hidden
So her illness couldn’t be seen.
And two close friends
Precious and true
Had been starved and tortured
Because they were Jews.
So don’t tell my mom it’s o.k
If she’s kept in the hall all day,
Wet and cold and soaked in blood.
Because, you see, my mother knows.
And she’s having none of it.

A Female Bird Speaks |  Naduni - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Female Bird Speaks | Naduni

My bird husband is making
A nest, said to be, comfortable
For his babies who still sleep in
My bloated belly
He is so little, and cute
But not weak mind you
When he opens his sharp beak
Every bird becomes weak

While my loving bird husband
Orders lovingly me to rest
While he builds the nest
For his babies that carry on his
Proud family name,
I perch lazily on a towering, dark tree
And doze and doze the whole day
After all what else can I do
I am a female bird mind you,
So I can’t build a nest
Not even for those who come from my own body
It is against nature
If I undertake the work
It would create such chaos in our little bird world

When he’s done I will lay the eggs
And idle till the next season
Then I’ll have to find another lover and lie
If I give up this work
Which is going against the nature,
It would create such chaos in our little bird world

Where Have All the Children Gone? | Renee' Drummond-Brown - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Where Have All the Children Gone? | Renee' Drummond-Brown

They left the womb
All alone
Long time passing
They roam
To and fro
Becomes ‘their’ god(s)
Social media
Front Row
None other than
Well ‘ya’ know
For ‘dat’
Freedom riders ‘plight’
The right to vote???
‘Deeze’ kids???
Want None o’ ‘dat’
‘Day’ only want the ‘WRITE’
Text messaging
Mid flight
Where have all the children gone?
They’re lost in iPhone zones
Dedicated to: Somebody call 911
Renee’ Drummond-Brown, is a poetess with experience in creative writing. She is a graduate of Geneva College of Western Pennsylvania. Renee’ is still in pursuit of excellence towards her mark for higher education. She is working on her seventh book and has numerous works published globally which can be seen in cubm.org/news, KWEE Magazine, Leaves of Ink, Raven Cage Poetry and Prose Ezine, Realistic Poetry International, Scarlet Leaf Publishing House, SickLit Magazine, The Metro Gazette Publishing Company, Inc., Tuck, and Whispers Magazine just to name a few. Civil Rights Activist, Ms. Rutha Mae Harris, Original Freedom Singer of the Civil Rights Movement, was responsible for having Drummond-Brown’s very first poem published in the Metro Gazette Publishing Company, Inc., in Albany, GA. Renee’ also has poetry published in several anthologies and honorable mentions to her credit in various writing outlets. Renee’ has won and/or placed in several poetry contests globally and her books are currently eligible for nomination for a Black Book award in Southampton County Virginia. She was Poet of the Month 2017, Winner in the Our Poetry Archives and prestigious Potpourri Poets/Artists Writing Community in the past year. She graced the cover of KWEE Magazine in the month of May, 2016. Her love for creative writing is displayed through her unique style. Renee’ is inspired by none other than Dr. Maya Angelou; because of her, Renee’ posits, “Still I write, I write, and I’ll write!”

I Now Know Love |  Naduni - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

I Now Know Love | Naduni

I now know love, that you were right
When you took my hand
And told me not to
On the bridge, that in hindsight,
Divided rather than united us
For the drizzly evening,
The night over in your apartment

My pride and my conviction
Led me here, where there’s only
A shadow, a translucent image
Of you

When you were there always with me
I never thought how much I’d miss you
If you were lost to me one day
You were like my lipstick I used and disposed
When I could never find the exact same shade
Only I felt how valuable you were to me whom
I so easily left

Overwhelmed by loneliness and gloom
I am now used to both
But they are not friends who share my life
They are murderers lurching behind, under and beside
Patiently watching me perish
Without wasting a bullet on my bare body

The days we spent under the mild sun
The soft pecks on the neck
The beautiful words
‘I love you’
Did not come to a stop
I came to the stop
I forced this loneliness
Myself and aren’t I punished for that?

The neon lights painting a soft blue hue
Over our small table in a warm corner of the coffee house
Sipping coffee we looked into each other’s eyes
How long? I can’t remember
I only remember that I never got tired of watching you
I remember the slender neck tapering into sharp collar bones
The soft blue dancing on the high cheekbones

My weak wrist is balancing my gaunt hand on the edge of the table
But now there is no hand cupping it, covering it from the harsh
Of the frigid world and murmuring to my ear
Tickling it, standing behind me, towering over me
Don’t worry- I am here

Only the memory of you- of us- of love- of our love- of hope
Remains around me
Wrapped to my weaning body like a thin, Georgette saree

If I didn’t go, if I listened to you, if I did what you wanted me to
Perhaps we’d be still together
Who knows really what would have happened…
Perhaps this is my fate
Perhaps you will come
Perhaps we’ll accidentally meet in a mundane
Place like a couple from a Hollywood movie
Perhaps… perhaps…
Even if I didn’t go
Something would still have parted us…

New Chance |  Nathy Dulanto Bernuy - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

New Chance | Nathy Dulanto Bernuy

I lived waiting for tomorrows
Scared to face my sorrows
It’s time to follow the signs
It’s time to do what is right

I lived waiting for a new chance
Scared to follow my own advice
It’s time to let go the past
It’s time to take the plunge

I’ve been blind all this time
Scared to face my life
It’s time to took away the headband
It’s time to see with brand new eyes

I’ve been living a huge lie
Scared to face the truth
It’s time to move on
It’s time to let you go

I will stand up for my dreams
I’ll try to fulfill my plans
Today is all that matters
Today is when my new chance starts

More at http://nathynb.tumblr.com.

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