poem of the day

The Infidel | Michael Marrotti - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Infidel | Michael Marrotti

I awoke from my
living nightmare
into your American
I sense a void
wider each
passing day
A contempt
for this world
and forfeiture
of hope
This is as good
as it gets
and that’s not
good enough
For the sake
of the self
I lost
long ago
I wish to see
in my lifetime
the downfall
of a system
That’s bred
a multitude of
and disdain
To be replaced
by a new generation
of benevolent souls
Willing to be
the change
that is needed
The sacrifice
to benefit
the all

More at http://www.thoughtsofapoeticmind.blogspot.com.

Mom's the Word | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Mom’s the Word | Ivan Jenson

I remember when I
knew that our long
windy conversation
was over
and that I had said
absolutely everything
to you
like a voice over
a montage of years…
I confessed, joked
bragged, sought advice
begged forgiveness
or crossed over the line
and made you cross
as I stood under
the crucifix
of your righteousness
yes, you will always be
Saint Ana Teresa
to me
and I still can’t fathom
all that you have meant
or why you now give me
this endless silent

More at http://www.ivanjenson.com/.

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