
A Quiet Insurrection |  Daniel Klawitter - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Quiet Insurrection | Daniel Klawitter

Friend of my youth,
red-haired hilarious
satyr of the senses!
Kicking your heels
and burning down the fences
of our small pastures.

A first priest of poetry
scribbling incantations
into books–
plotting rebellion
in the nooks and crannies
of the town that we

You have drunk deeply
of the forbidden brook,
tasted the defiant fruit
of knowledge,
while cat lies lazy
in the window
with a broken tooth.

Your Byzantine rituals
of serpentine silk–
leading you to gossamer oceans
of milky oblivion.

You and I so serious
in our quest
for a quiet insurrection.

More at http://about.me/dklawitter.

Rottnest Island | Neil Creighton - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Rottnest Island | Neil Creighton

The wind blows across the dunes,
low trees and shallow lakes.
It doesn’t weep or cry aloud
but it should.
The swells roll across the sea,
curl in foam then slap on the white sand.
They have neither words nor tears
but they should.
The luxury boats bob at their moorings,
and the restaurants stare out to sea.
They do not weep or cry aloud
but they should.
Should they not weep for the 369
indigenous men and boys
perished from disease, malnourishment
or the cruel violence of guards?
Should they not weep for the 3700
indigenous men and boys
cramped in fetid cells now converted
to luxury accommodation?
Should they not weep for men
ripped from the Karri forests of the south,
or the red soil of the north
and imprisoned on this low island?
Should they not weep
for these soft eyed men
with their bleak and hollow stares
and for all the horror of humanity’s history?
But always the wind blows across the dunes
and still the waves slap on the white sand.
They have neither tears to weep nor words to lament
but surely they should.

More at https://windofflowers.blogspot.com.au.

Rottnest Island is a popular holiday resort situated 18 kilometres west of Fremantle, the port for Perth, capital of Western Australia. Daily, ferries take crowds out to the island and there is little remaining evidence of its sad history. From 1838 to 1931 Rottnest was a prison for Aborigines, taken from all over the large state of Western Australia. The airless, untoileted cells, into which seven men were cramped, were a tiny 1.7m x 3.00m. One in 10 of the prisoners died on the island and lie buried there in unmarked graves.

Anguish | Cattail Jester - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Anguish | Cattail Jester

You left me knocking at
the door cold below
your banner proclaiming
You did not notice me
or care even when I tried
to offer you my gift twice.
Three times, four.
Maybe more.
You sent me away
with looks and disdain,
judgment and agenda.
This is how it always is
with you.
Proclaiming you are love
on earth – I can see my
breath in your proclamation.
I will strike out
on my own, find out what
love really means.
A wandering pilgrim trying
out the path.

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