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The Ride Out Saturday |  Mark Butler - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Ride Out Saturday | Mark Butler

The night before our trip I dream again
of Syrian women bending to kiss the dry
lips of their dead children.

At noon we roll along the
turnpike riding the ridges
and valleys under a brittle blue,
fleeced with white trailing to the south.

At five, we pick our way through
the gray towns east of Pittsburgh.

After dinner she plays on my lap
burbling, soft hands scruffling my
cheeks, delighting in stubble and

I find her later in night-light shadows
with her father- my son- gently rocking.
A baby bottle empty, slipped to the floor.

Ambiguity |  Naduni - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Ambiguity | Naduni

What is it that you hold for me?
So tender yet so passionate,
So sensitive yet so ferocious,
So loving and caring and arousing.
Do your eyes gleam with desire?
Or wet with affection
When you hold this flower to me?
Who ARE you, above all?
Are you an angel
Bringing eternal love and
Warmth to my hermitage?
When you ask,
“May I come?”
Do you come with
Love for me?
Or merely with an inner fire
That will burn me
The moment I touch you?
What is this feeling you have about me?
That even you don’t know.

The River and the Waterfall |  P.K. Deb - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The River and the Waterfall | P.K. Deb

Along a plain the river flows,
Turns, slopes and thus goes
Forward to the destination.

It runs and listens
The call of oceans
None stands as its obstruction.

One day along with its all
The river suffers a great fall
It screams till it loses everything.

The name is not found
Amid its scaring sound
It loses the song what it could sing.

Yet it looks for a plain
As it must flow again
But in the deep nothing it can recall.

The scream attracts a cow boy
Near the falling water to enjoy
He names it amazingly ‘water-fall’.

Thus, the river becomes a water-fall
Offers an awesome beauty to people
But retains the urge to flow again.

Slowly it fills up the deep
And raises its head to peep
Gets finally a valley of smooth plain.

Who dares to stop it now?
It jumps on the plain somehow
Starts flowing and singing the lost song.

River again becomes river,
Runs not to stop ever–
Continues its journey, maybe, short or long.

Stolen or Otherwise |  G. S. Katz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Stolen or Otherwise | G. S. Katz

I like when you speak to me in English
So I can take in every word
Not miss a thing
I like when you pose for me
Stare at me
Looking right through me
Pleasing me with your sensual aura
We talk, we laugh, we fight a little
I hold you in my nucleus
You are dynamite
Ready at the switch
You are me
I am you
Fighting for position
This is love
Stolen or otherwise
Mark my words
Stay for tea
And then I will ask you
To take off your clothes
Let me drink you in
And float for a little while…

Love Relationships |  Joanne J. - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Love Relationships | Joanne J.

when promises come, and float away, like dandelion fluff in the

when your eyes turn inward to find out why, you ever even tried to

when you remember the time and the place that you felt your heart
and swallowed the lump in your throat.

that is where you try to prepare, for the beginning of the end.

all the while, this foolish, childish heart yearns for the strength to
keep hoping, keep trying,
keep treading further down this dead end road.

Funny, or maybe not… that I laugh and tell others, “run, Forrest
but have not the will to run for myself.

I feel the hot tear on my cheek, as yet another page turns toward the
ending of this love story.

“When will you learn”… the words of well-meaning friends, has been
asked of me all my life.

When it comes to affairs of the heart……. NEVER, seems to be my
constant answer.
If the choice must be made to not love, or to feel passion, love and

I have already chosen.

as another tear slips slowly from my eye. I resolve to ask brain to
make heart sit the next step out.

heart, go sit quietly with your memories, and try not to ache as we
pull us up, and prepare to look at the day with blinders off.

This will hurt a bit.

The Chiding |  Naduni - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Chiding | Naduni

“You are too hard and inflexible!”
You chide me, your face on fire
“You are overly sensitive and emotional!”
I point out, tactfully reverting the chiding.
But deep within I know,
I was too harsh on you
(Not that I wanted to, in a way I had to)
And I also know
That I have become hard and inflexible
Like a plant, after intermittent beatings
Of the weather, grows into a massive tree
Nothing can bend.
But all the same your sweet self,
Funny, silly and cute self
Reminds me how once I was.
You are several years older than me
Do I envy you for your inborn gentleness
Still staying with you?
No my darling, no.
I only fill with fear
Fear for you being transformed
Into myself,
On a day not far away.

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