poems to read

With Every Taste You Get You back | Safe Rest - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

With Every Taste You Get You back | Safe Rest

That moment born from pain and hurt
When you think it will never work
And you will die if it is over
But come back stronger for the morrow.
When you succeed in misery,
Harness it all and let it drive you
Towards the depths of your abyss.
You’re slowly wading through the darkness,
Tasting each sorrow with a sip,
Then take more mouthfuls, it gets better,
With every taste you get You back
To live to write, to start all over.

More at http://eachsorrowwithasip.blogspot.ro/.

Poetry and Prose |  Ananya S. Guha - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Poetry and Prose | Ananya S. Guha

Within the explosive outer
is faith of the modern day latter
who came later
into the world of an ornate technology, bomb crater,
and now is mad as a hatter
there are times when these
hills are piquant, still born
even till crusty dawn,
at least the crashes and dashes which work out, in outer spaces is the riddled world of poetry and prose
and all those baby faces.

April Blue | Joan McNerney - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

April Blue | Joan McNerney

This is when we search for
color to transform cold grey.
Rainfall begins its magic
brightening our sky blue.

We scan stacks of luminous clouds
as trees pop out green buds and
forsythia bursts sparkling yellow stalks.
Just today a breath of warmth
brought alive pink crepe myrtle branches.

Aromatic lilac bushes gather in
soft bunches while birds and bugs
encircle them. We are listening now
to the first chorus of spring time.

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