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1028 Peach Street | Matthew Borczon - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

1028 Peach Street | Matthew Borczon

In the
neon hour
before sunrise
I am
in a
parking lot
looking at
a fence
that was
once my
old apartment
I spent
almost ten
years above
a paint
store across
from the
YMCA there
were three
then two
that were
doomed before
they started
not Romeo
and Juliette
doomed but
more like
Tom and Jerry
Tweety and Sylvester
Itchy and Scratchy
While E coyote
and the road runner
we chased
each other
through our
two bedrooms
with Acme
bought love
while anvils
fell hard
on all
our life
back when
we thought
we knew
what we
were doing
back when
we thought
we had
nothing but

Lovely Nature | Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Lovely Nature | Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu

Feel happy at the natural sites
Pleasantness comes in life
Feel happy at river-flow site
One’s ideas flow like water flow

Pray my Nature God for my birth
Godness is beautiful nature
Nature belongs to living beings
Preserve my beauty land

I feel happy to adores my nature
My loving the nature, is my loving the Universe
My breathing the oxygen, is my living the life
I can’t pack the air, but for my deeds

Beauty lies in the farm land
Waterfalls is the life-line
Life’s happiness is the river flows
Not pollute the water and air

Am here in this glittering world
Nature has compositions
Nature knew its compositions well
Nature has hidden healing powers

Avoid and avoid, conflicts and combats
Minds vary from leader to leader
Hope to be optimistic for peace and tranquility
Don’t suggest for gun and bomb battles

People in power, can’t act fast
Power is not for combats and conflicts
Souls weep if lives are lost
Cursing can ruin the heredity’s soon

More at https://markumantri.wordpress.com/.

Perfect Love in Small Measures | Pushmaotee Subrun - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Perfect Love in Small Measures | Pushmaotee Subrun

Many of us experience love in short measures
Making life perfect in small measures
Most flowers bloom and wilt soon,
Just as love vanishes like the unsteady moon
Or simply wilts, decays, meets death,
To be temporarily honoured with wreaths.

Encompassing a variety of emotional and mental states,
Love at one moment prospers, followed by hate
And ravaging jealousy which overpower,
Leading to satanic and animalistic behaviour.
Attraction and attachment vanish into thin air,
Love turns into a dream crusher or a snare.

All kindness and compassion go to the wind.
Romanticism, love and promises rewind,
Hate and abusive words dominate,
Promises of love discarded and left at the gate,
What dominates is devastating hate,
To the distress of the once-so-called soul mate.

The sentiment might appear again,
With nothing much to gain,
Making partners live in a fool’s paradise,
Lust, followed by intimacy, brings the honeymoon phase,
Gradually to be replaced by bewilderment as if in a maze,
Till the thunder terrifyingly again rumbles.

If love can be had in small measures
With all its pressures,
Why then, do we voluntarily and blindly,
So recklessly, so heedlessly,
Jump into the trap of vain declarations constantly?
Oh, the encroaching traps of love ephemerally!

Beyond the Veil | Rising of the Sun - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Beyond the Veil | Rising of the Sun

when the owl hoots
the thunder strike
angry angel
object there was all
action there was all
when you placed your head on my lap
i thought you’ll last
but all my stories is for the untold
no way, my heart pump hard
a day b4 your forever journey
we had a talk
the plans you had for your sons
had been locked in the dune of your heart
a tears of pains i had to endure
when your ripe carved mango smiled at me
i knew it was a mirage
deliberating over santa’s story
it stung in my heart
how lonely is it
the key to my smile
i woke up looking the mirror
i saw you smiled
i smiled back
oh! he left
why do you leave me in this lonely world
all my fame is you
my foes are all grown
there hate is ripe
now i can’t act
i can’t hold my tears
i just had to let it go
it seems so hard to forget my patting clone
your leaf had dried-up and i can’t witstand

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