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Bodies Pressing Together after the Storm | James Diaz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Bodies Pressing Together after the Storm | James Diaz

winding the criss
from the crossed-
out center line
how is it I am still
not any of these things
one small hand holding the sun
against the sky
knuckle and breath so hard
it punches through
just follow the path
back to the house
we never had
we’ll stand full-boned
and scream and be
all of the things that were left out
and the gloaming earth
of deep shadow
and all that we couldn’t say then
we will say it now.

I'm Me | Candy81 - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

I’m Me | Candy81

I am beautiful because I have
scars that show my strength.
Stretch marks that cover my
body, that’s from being a mom.

I am beautiful because I have
a heart loves hard.
I love others even when they don’t
love me love consumes me.

I am flawed I am no saint,
I cuss I smoke and I drink,
I am beautiful because I am me.

Beauty is not what’s on the outside,
true beauty is underneath.
They say beauty is in the eye of the
beholder the beholder must look deep.

Beauty is you and me, women,
sisters and mothers and daughters,
We are beautiful.

More at https://allpoetry.com/poem/14988187-Im-Me-by-candy81-babyblue.

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