superficiality poems

Adverts to Avert | Priyanka Pareek - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Adverts to Avert | Priyanka Pareek

A world of bulletin boards,
Of banners, flexes, and signage.
Shoving yet another product in your face!
Dare you ignore.
My logo, my brand, my slogan everywhere,
My marketing meaty.
The catchiest line, the brightest flashlight
I’ll make your life easy, trust me I swear.
I am bigger than your previous home, come stay with me.
Fill me with decor and your life won’t be empty. No no. Not anymore.
I am neon, I am bold! I am big, I am high. You’ll see me on TV, on paper, in print,
I’ll sing on the radio for you. An annoying jingle or two.
I’ll plaster myself on every “No bills” wall
I’ll make you believe you need me every hour.
I’ve noticed you aren’t looking anymore,
Your eyes so glued to that thing you call a phone.
Oh, snap. Is that a fly on your wall?
Forgive me as I replace memories on your picture tile.
You skip me, I seek you,
Click me oh click me once more.
Won’t you at least put me in the cart.
Your wish, be my discount.
I won’t be pushy I notify.
Turn me on whenever you want.
Look how pretty the places are in my post, follow me, won’t you?
All the birdies agree to my wit. Won’t you quote a retweet?
Cluttered in 140 characters, a filtered short story
Will be lost in the digital black hole.
Ten seconds, there it goes again
Yes, I wish I could stay too.
In this attention-seeking materialistic store,
Around the ignored versions of incompatible emotional bores.
Someday, in some way.
You’ll stumble upon my unadvertised soul.

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The Downside | Judy Moskowitz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Downside | Judy Moskowitz

Will you feel satisfied
when your belly is full
savoring the juices
swirling around in your mouth
as it coats your tongue in lust
for ambition has a taste
as sumptuous as Prime rib
and Caviar
desire begins to take over
as your primary driver
you don’t see the red lights
blinded by shiny objects
fast cars and seductive fruit
ripe and ready
willing to sacrifice all that matters
wrapped in flesh and bone

Upgrades | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Upgrades | Stan Morrison

a tattoo, I would say, is definitely not for you
especially those with permanent/fading blue
and with terrible graphics and artistry too
ditto for surgery to enhance your looks
after leafing through before/after books
photoshopped/enhanced by medical crooks
you’re not destined to look/act very smart
no advantage for a horse before a cart
vanity/deceit do not come from the heart
no great shakes for trying/buying new threads
just do something smart/authentic instead
turn off your internet and stay in bed

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