wistful poems

Runaways and a Glazed Sky | Jacob Erin-Cilberto - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Runaways and a Glazed Sky | Jacob Erin-Cilberto

we sat on the hill behind the A&P
and mapped out our lives…
the girls we loved or would love
or were loving at the time
we were teens with dreams
and dreams with Marlboro dialogue
exporting smoke rings into a dark sky
the stars approving or disapproving
of our schemes.
as we waited for the bread truck
and the kind gentleman who felt
sorry for us, running away from home for a night
and gave us donuts
to soothe the pain of life…

then he came…
and we munched on glaze or sugar
supposing we were disposing of our blues
two friends
we sat on the hill behind the A&P
looking into a future
we would never easily find on a shelf
in that store,
not knowing what was in store
for us

looking back, my memory is still life
and i can only remember the names
of some of the girls we knew
and some of the girls we made up

but i know those donuts were real
and the glazed or sugar-coated times
tasted quite good

until the box was empty
the blues gone,
and it was time to walk home.

Good Night Moon | Debra Sasak Ross - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Good Night Moon | Debra Sasak Ross

Good night moon.
Good night stars.
I wonder tonight
Exactly where you are.
Are you happy
To be free?
Are you lonely
Just like me?
Do you wish that things were different?
Do you wish they had stayed the same?
Do you ever wish upon a star
Out there somewhere
Where you are?
Are you happy?
Are you sad?
Do you miss the love we had?
Good night moon.
Good night stars.
I wonder tonight
Exactly where you are.

More at https://www.facebook.com/groups/fallenangelpoetry.

Bruce | Roy Pullam - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Bruce | Roy Pullam

The RPMs of the guitars
Like the motor
Of a fine-tuned engine
Climbed to a roar
His voice
A young man’s angst
As he growled
His dissatisfaction
With the lack
Of freedom
The smothering blanket
Of the status quo
Echoing the feeling
Of so many
In the death trap
Of the comfortable
Clarence’s growl
The sax full-throated
Powerful and unrepenting
Both a challenge
And a curse
The universal anthem
Of escape
Mocking my own
Into the mainstream
Reminding me when
I felt
Born to run

Let's Take the Long Way Back | David Sermersheim - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Let's Take the Long Way Back | David Sermersheim

let’s take the long way back
beneath shaded oak and aromatic pine
athwart the weathered split-rail fence
bent into the warp and woof of nature’s wiles
past the old place
with its long front porch
and massive beams holding memories
of laughter and dancing feet
in moonlit rooms resonating with sounds of
family and friends fading now
as we roll past the giant willow
bending shade into the shape of long afternoons
drawing water from the well
with the fresh coppery taste
so light and cool on a summer afternoon
we glide into the blue-amber glow
of the western penumbra spread long and wide
with faint lights glimmering in the valley below
melding light and shadow into night
as we drift on wheels crunching gravel
like popcorn between our teeth
the hour is right in its time
and all that might have been
trailed behind and lost the way
back to what we remember
of days that are no more

I Like My Old Me Better | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

I Like My Old Me Better | Stan Morrison

I like my old me better
I could Carry-on all night
then I’d sleep past noon
stuff always turned out right
yep, I like my old me better

I ike my old me better
I knew what was goin on
and I was nobody’s fool
I always caught on
Damn, I like my old me better

I like my old me better
I made some money
life was so sweet
for me and my honey
hell, I love the old me better

Peaceful Co-Existence | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Peaceful Co-Existence | Stan Morrison

I want to get my old life back
want-need-love-hate-feel sad
doesn’t diminish my unrest
I just want to get my old life back

no reading, drawing or writing
no reichian breathing, meditation
can move the needle backwards
I sincerely want my old life back

I made peace with the remedies
designed to seem rather than be
what I have is not what I did have
I still dream that my old life is back.

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