A Brighter Burn | Jenny Middleton - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Brighter Burn | Jenny Middleton

That night the light was slow
A faint glimmer before a brighter burn.
The singed green shade twisting
in the faint breeze mouthed
through half open windows.

I’d got up, too hot to sleep,
too tired really, for those ends
of things that tangle a mind’s
late thoughts

when a moth traced the vagueness
at the corners of the room.
Its confusion crashing at the walls,
the brightness its beacon,
and then its silhouette inside the stretched
satin shade seemed muffled
and drawn large as those paper puppets
in shadow theatres of old preconfiguring
its own demise and fizzed throes
of death as staged and restaged tragedies.

Then the stench of absence and heat
was all; a universe swallowed whole.

Shutting the light off, I stumble to the stairs
that fall into the dark, wheeling.

Paris I've Never Visited | Ananya S. Guha - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Paris I’ve Never Visited | Ananya S. Guha

Paris I’ve never visited
only the uncanny wind
whispered how a city
was embattled with ashes
coming out of a theatre.
Where music thundered
to heart beats
where men sieged a house
set it on fire
immolated a lost civilization, and meanings
of life, beauty, love were
left smouldering, in ashes
of ruin. Where politics did not comprehend love and
boisterous laughter, celebrating living.

Only I know the truth
that a Paris which I’ve
not visited, never will
will remain firm in the
iron soul of my body
wringing desperate hands,
feet, as a weeping
manifestation of a world
surrendering to phantoms.

Earth an Epic | Seshendra Sharma - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Earth an Epic | Seshendra Sharma

Even by bloodshed, which is indefinably superior to gold
Dreams did not become realities-
Only fools do not know that
evolution also is subject to evolution-
When the earth is ploughed with a plough
Only then it becomes a country
When the earth is ploughed with a quill
Then it becomes an epic
If it is not ploughed either with a plough or quill
It is merely just merely earth-
24 hours of distance lies from sun to sun
only two hearts of distance lies
from human being to human being-
The sky opening up its pink folds
flying itself in the winds of dawn-
Look! How many riffles of distance lies
From village to war-

More at http://seshendrasharma.weebly.com.

Heard | Hino Black - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Heard | Hino Black

Through my bed room window..
I’m aimlessly looking at the sky…
Thinking of my life so far..
I’ve only knew things..
I didn’t want to know..
I lost my voice and only their words..
I’m now speaking..
There’s a voice in my heart…
Telling me ..Don’t follow the orders of society…
And be free like a bird..
Keep on dreaming..
Even these dreams are disappearing with the wind..
They decided everything for me..
Even which dream I should dream…
Everything it’s their choice..
My clothes.. My beliefs.. My dreams.. Even my future..
But from time to time…
I will break their rules..
And fly outside the herd..
And sing melodies…
That they never heard..
Like a bird in the sky..
Flying freely through the night..
Unseen but definitely heard.

More at https://hino848.wordpress.com.

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