best contemporary poems

Melissa |  Roy Pullam - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Melissa | Roy Pullam

We danced around
That was killing her
She so thin
Her skin transparent
A cough
That rocked her body
A boyfriend
She loved
His indiscretion
Writing a death sentence
For her
She did not cast blame
Accepting her lot
Living with the shame
A family
Unable to accept
Unable to forgive
Citing the Bible
For the scarlet death
She would surely face
God’s punishment
For women
Who lay
Out of marriage
I hugged her gently
Knowing the frailness
The reed
That was her body
The last time
I would see her
Death at 24
Joining the other four
He so callously infected

Finding Our Humanity |  Richard Kalfus - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Finding Our Humanity | Richard Kalfus

I am young – only 23
a German student
with a history
like all Germans
of a past
which many want to forget.
Turkish immigrants came to us
in the 60’s and 70’s.
Today second and third generations
feel they are Germans.

My best friend is both a Muslim
and German.
Together we watch as Syrian refugees
enter our country.
And we are proud as these
Seekers of asylum
from a merciless dictator
find refuge here.

Tolerance and acceptance of the “other”
makes us human again –
separating us
from a time
when we Germans forgot
our humanity.

Patriotism |  Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Patriotism | Stan Morrison

Herringbone Harry never wanted to carry a gun, not even a toy one, not even for fun. Harry thought these things could hurt. Better run for cover, run home and tell my mother. Forget about “A Soldier’s Story,” and “Paths to Glory.” “Johnny Got His Gun” is the tale for everyone to learn.

The sergeant said, “Take this gun and fire it on anyone on the MGM lot for practice. Here are our orders, read’em. You’re headed for “Iraqi Freedom.” Rumsfeld anointing oil. Let the tanks run over the cradle of civilization, down by the Euphrates. Fighting terrrrrzm, making the world safe for Hell Burton.

Harry’s gig was a total drag. Harry’s gone home in a body bag. The West Point choir sang a poignant hymn, everyone’s spouting tears or opinions. The television crew is grateful for their safe jobs. Oxymorons invade the senses: holy crusade anti-terrorist offensives mission accomplished.

Not responsible for vehicles parked overnight. Not responsible for damage during shipping. Not responsible for items lost or stolen. Not responsible for clothes left over 30 days. Not responsible for what happened to Harry. Not responsible for anything we ever do or say. Amen.

Uncertainty |  Roy Pullam - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Uncertainty | Roy Pullam

Like a leaf
In a stream
I cannot determine
The direction
Of the rest
Of my life
What joys
Come my way
What heartaches
Wait beyond the bend
And as much
As I plan
Fate laughs
At my intentions
There are no tea leaves
No crystal ball
Just the morning
That comes out
Of the darkness
Serving whatever
Is on the menu
Be it
Sweet or sour

Twelve Small Poems | Nancy May - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Twelve Small Poems | Nancy May

fallen snow
off willow branches
empty cot

early spring
melting snow
on willow branches

no answers
to my questions
round the carousel

your child
lost on the beach
finds a fossil

robin’s nest
bare branches
snow in my shoe

on the sea
moonlight ripples
lighthouse on the rocks

snow drops
from blossoms

in the snow
willow branches

autumn dusk
I listen
to fond memories

a bumblebee
takes a shower
dew off a leaf

of melting snow
on the beach

a cactus
on a beach
bedtime stories

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