building a better world poems

Uni-Verse | Langley Shazor - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Uni-Verse | Langley Shazor

Creatively clashed
The dissonance sounds strange
Untrained ears
Give it time
The longer you listen
Each part individual
Yet collectively magnificent
Music is magic
And our entire world sings
You simply
Tune in
Contrary to popular belief
Synergistic relationships become
Mutually beneficial
One voice
One sound
This is a song
We all know
Raise your head
Open your mouth
Make a joyful noise
With auditory acuity
An expanded cranial cavity
All can be heard
Singularly as well as collaboratively

No Walls | Langley Shazor - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

No Walls | Langley Shazor

The opportunity is there
We owe it to ourselves
If you haven’t
You must
Think beyond
Think outside
Just think

There is so much more
So much to experience
So much to life
I urge you
Think beyond
Think outside
Just think

Beyond borders
Beyond race
Beyond religion
Beyond differences
Wouldn’t that be freeing?
To think outside?
Just think

Lake View | Langley Shazor - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Lake View | Langley Shazor

If I may be so bold
Allow me to speak candidly
I am at a loss as to what friends are
Anyone who has ever been in my inner circle
Has tried to sabotage my life
Hurt me
Or walked away and left me stranded
Is this the degree of what friendship means?
Is this the measure of what a friendship is?
Perhaps all friends are temporary
Existing only to fill a void in whatever state a person currently
There was a time when I was less than reputable
And only looked to serve my own interests
But even in that state
I could be counted on
I faltered, as we all do
I have let people down
Could you consider this my comeuppance?
You reap what you sow
And there is always a harvest
I must first ration the poor work I have done
Before I can feast on the fruits of good labor
All things in turn maybe?
As painful as this is
It all circles back to me
I want to blame all of you for your blatant disregard for my feelings
Knowing full well I have scorned others similarly
Thinking back on who I was
Contemplating on who I am
Determining who I want to be
It is clear that each of those phases requires growth
And there are always growing pains
So I must be the first to examine myself
Let my conduct be the example
That I may continue to sow goodness, peace, charity, love
One day, there will be nothing left of a poor harvest
The famine will have subsided
Generosity reciprocated
But until that time
I will sift through varying degrees of rotten
In hopes of finding a small piece of nourishment
The old will pass away
Leaving the new
Revealing better
We will be better

Statistics | Langley Shazor - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Statistics | Langley Shazor

Every second
Four babies are born
And two people die
Worldwide rates

Every second
We are given twice the opportunity
To teach love and equality
Instead of worldwide hate

Every second
Granted twice the chance
Change the course of history
Stave off worldwide fate

Titans | Langley Shazor - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Titans | Langley Shazor

The weight of the world
Is heavy upon Atlas’s shoulders
We should thank Zeus
That such a burden assigned
To one of immeasurable strength
With great power,
Comes great responsibility
Like these
Resting is not an option
We have shown
We cannot control
Nor contain
In all our greatness
Unable to support
That which we are
Lighten the load
Even gods become weary
In welldoing

Social Injustice | J.K. Durick - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Social Injustice | J.K. Durick

When does something like this end?
When will it lose its prominent place

In the list of things we see around us
Hear about, know from experience

Pass on the street, we read about in
The newspapers we have left to read

Witness on the evening news in
Between ads for the latest meds to help

Us along, make things easier to take?
When will we have better things to think

About, to write about, our better selves,
The better angels of our nature coming

Forward to put an end to some, if not all
Of things like this – that’s when.

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