contemporary poetry

Meaningless Existence | Michael Andreas - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Meaningless Existence | Michael Andreas

i’m not sure what you were trying to accomplish
by not looking in those dark corners

they weren’t going to go away
things like that can’t be ignored into oblivion

instead you chose to live a shallow, meaningless existence
never getting close to anyone

surrounded by many unsuspecting people
all of whom would build up your unhealthy ego

the people who most matter kept at arm’s length
to eventually walk away

Father and Son Love Redux | G. S. Katz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Father and Son Love Redux | G. S. Katz

Fathers and Sons: Love Redux

My dad wasn’t wordy
I can’t remember affection
He never told me he loved me
If he did, I don’t remember it

Strong silent type he was
I grew up quiet
Till I started to speak more
Then everyone wished I’d shut the hell up

My mom told me my dad loved us very much
I wanted to hear it from him
On my wedding day he said it
Collectively in a toast he pronounced his love grandly

I always wanted more from him
I wanted his knowledge, his craft
He’s gone 20 years now
I’m still trying ……

Hole in My Arm | Jesse Hoefling - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Hole in My Arm | Jesse Hoefling

There’s a hole in my arm–
Where the mind goes
Where the dead howl excretions
Where the blood meets the oily needle
Where memories die
Where heaven touches hell
There is a hole in my arm–
Where the mind goes
Where the soul screams
Where death shouts with applause
Where paradise costs a twenty dollar bill
Where paradise can be reached, touched, for the meanwhile.
the scare tissue, debouched, depraved, reaching for heaven’s bargain
of eternal needles.
There’s a hole in my arm
Where the mind escapes
Where seas foam
Where teeth bite
where the arm is looped off– and the world begins again.
Where the story ends, every time.

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The Star of David | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Star of David | Stan Morrison

This Star of David for people in Exile
For those decimated by centuries of horror
And unimaginable cruelty by dominant cultures
Once symbolized protection from all harm
It is now a star of intolerance and retribution
Hatikva, once a song of hope for the Diaspora
A poem adopted in the 1st Zionist Congress
As a national anthem, it is a warning to neighbors
Of military might without compassion or remorse
An anathema to to people of the West Bank and Gaza

Sign Your Name Here | Mamyaw - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Sign Your Name Here | Mamyaw

words blur together
before eyes
with the sea
held back
by clustered

a stream spills down
pockmarked cheeks
lined with years
spilling onto
crisp paper

lips tremble
in silent
as a vice
grips the chest
caved in
from decades of

a wet gaze looks up
at an apparition
from the past
but the present
to itself
it calls for
just a squiggle
on pristine pulp
but hands
with grief
cannot move

threats flew in
that stifling air
biting syllables
that rend
and tear

sign the damned papers

the hand moves
as unvoiced wails
rise up
from that
caved in chest

it is done

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