damaged people poems

Unresolved Issues | Tamara Sommers - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Unresolved Issues | Tamara Sommers

It’s almost like you have no idea
What you did to me, how you
Reduced me to tears and destroyed
My being, stepped on my joy
And turned it into refuse,
Made me feel so small,
All because you didn’t know how
To get over all your garbage and
Stop putting it on me,
I seriously doubt you’ll every
Realize the effect you have
On other people, the only thing
That matters is you protecting
Your unconscious, unresolved issues.

Destroying Everyone and Everything | Rodrigo Alcantara - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Destroying Everyone and Everything | Rodrigo Alcantara

I’m astonished at their
sheer cruelty, depravity,
hypocrisy, coldness,
the lengths they will go to
to mislead their followers
so they can get more power,
make more money.
At what point is enough enough?
When does this cruel push for riches end?
They’ll stop at nothing because
this is about much more than just money,
it’s about that horrible thing(s) that
happened to them as children and
that they have to punish the rest
of humanity for forever.
Go see a psychiatrist instead of
destroying everyone and everything else.

Health Care | Anya Verhausen - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Health Care | Anya Verhausen

how damaged do you have to be
to want to deny people health care?

who hurt you so much in your past
that you have to hurt others?

why do you only feel better when
you’re damaging other people?

who told you greed and lust for power
was a good character trait?

why do you believe in horrible things
while pretending to be pious?

when will you stop hurting other people
just so you can feel better for a moment?

why don’t you just look inside for once
and fix all your wretched bile?

Cavernous Hole | Guy Farmer - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Cavernous Hole | Guy Farmer

Walking from room to room
In his opulent mansion,
He reflects not on his
Incredible good fortune,
Or what he might do
To help make the world
A better place,
But rather on all those
Who have slighted him and
Whom he will one day make pay
For their transgressions.
Enough is never enough
To fill this cavernous hole.

More minimalist poetry at https://www.unconventionalbeing.com/.

Punitive | Guy Farmer - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Punitive | Guy Farmer

He lets loose by
Becoming tighter,
Wrapping himself in
Ever-thicker coils of
Mangled belief
Desperately trying to erase
The huge shouting faces
Subduing him into
Thinking he’s worthless,
Punitive voices exhorting
Him to crush others
For a moment’s relief.

More minimalist poetry at https://www.unconventionalbeing.com/.

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