sadness poems

Whispering for a Father | Kandice Johnson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Whispering for a Father | Kandice Johnson

I yearn for the silence of the madness around me
Finding solace in the darkness to hold and cradle me in this twilight of tears
I am a withering rose slowly dying
As life giving water of my fathers love will never fall upon my heart
My soul dreams no more for happiness
I find refuge in the shadows
where fates kiss of farewell surely falls upon me
I try to hold onto memories melody to the rhythm of my broken heart
Whispering the words to a fading song that none shall hear
There is no peace in my heart for what can be of setting me free
When I know you are my father and I may never receive your love in this lifetime
l wish For the darkness to cradle me gently as I drift to sleep under the moonlit sky
Let me be the shadow between night and day
The shadow of a untouched heart
And a song that only the wolves will sing
The night sky will be lit by the fragments of my broken heart
My tears will be the falling stars My orphaned soul will whisper to you upon the wind that touches your face
Yet you shall never hear me say I hate you
Let it be my darkness
trapped between heaven and hell
For none can touch the sadness of my father’s rejection
I will wonder alone in the shadows longing for a fathers love that can never be felt
My eyes will speak where my heart cannot
For it is slowly fading away in the shadows of pain that shall never perish
Let the world know you are everything to me
And as I fall upon the world
My sadness will be forever winds whispering for a father

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