sadness poems

Reminiscent | Manuelito D. Pio Roda - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Reminiscent | Manuelito D. Pio Roda

The rain falls again.

Forced to embrace the
silence in this solitude.

Where memories come
into view.

Twisted images
of me and you.

Like a nightmare
that keeps eating
away on my mind.

The wind sounds like
a unbridled symphony.

Untamed at
my consciousness.

Slowly killing my
spirit continuously.

For I was cradled
by your claws of deceit.

Too much of sadness
and tears.

I’m tired of thinking
of you for all these years.

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I Can’t Go On, I’ll Go On | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

I Can’t Go On, I’ll Go On | Stan Morrison

I sleep in a bed with two pillows
sadly such irony doesn’t escape me
I’m the victim master of this misery
my desk chair has become my throne

is this truly where I live
this address is so strange
it must that I live here
all my keys seem to fit

how much longer am I to live
I need to know how to pace it
with no access to answers
must I keep going doing

all my joys are mixed with memories
getting me through this blur of days
I can no longer stand this wallowing
my self pity permit’s long expired

don’t ask me for new insights
don’t spring any of your own
you won’t uncover how I’m coping
crying laughing in the summer rain

My Broken Heart | Terri Emmet - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

My Broken Heart | Terri Emmet

my broken heart
lays on the ground
lonely without you
not knowing what to do
empty of hope- life- love
everything worthwhile
i look through pictures of
when we were together
all the good times
all the love
everything that was me and you
that had any meaning
i miss you
i love you
i guess i’ll have to get over you
not my first choice
but the only one i’m left with

The Mother I'd Known | Shelly Blankman - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Mother I’d Known | Shelly Blankman

There is nothing left now but bits
and bones of the mother I’d known.
Her hair once shiny and nicely styled,
smelling lemony with each morning hug,

now dirty, mousy gray, scraggly.
Hanging down to her knees like
an old curtain. It drapes one eye.
She reminds me of Veronica Lake,

I tell her. She stares at me blankly, this
woman who once watched movies with me,
shared memories of stars “back in the
day” when movies were better, she’d say.

“You tried to braid my hair,” she accuses me,
this stranger’s eyes glaring “I didn’t, Mom.”
My voice quivers and I am trapped in thoughts
of a 10-year-old child caught in a lie she

never told. My heart soars back decades, when
she braided my hair so tightly, so perfectly painful.
I would close my eyes, try to soak back tears, hoping
the ordeal would soon end, but dared not complain.

Even then, I knew looking nice was as vital to her as
breathing. She expected the same of me. Still, it was
torture. Seams didn’t match. Pants were too baggy. Or
too tight. And what’s that fleck no one saw but her?

I miss those days now. Her distorted mirror shattered,
her critical eye blinded by Alzheimer’s. I long for
the days of painful braiding, lemony hugs and gushing
over old movie stars, favorite films. I’ll still see her on

holidays she no longer knows and bring her flowers
she demands I take when I leave. Then I’ll go home
and wait to hear when the vultures of Alzheimer’s
have spit out her last bits of bones, now turned to dust.

Man Up | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Man Up | Ivan Jenson

This sweeping
soggy saga
of sadness
which clouds
this guy’s eyes
while raining
question marks
from the skies
is finally getting
me where it hurts
making me
a toddler who
is never allowed
and I will wail
tonsils vibrating
the sort of shriek
that could ruin your week
until somebody
pinches my cheek
a little too hard
for my own good
while repeating
the outdated phrase
‘big boys don’t cry’
until it is
thoroughly understood
and then I will tell them
that sorrow is a crucial
part of my identity
and to kindly lay off
my masculinity

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