social control poems

Systematic | Papadavino - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Systematic | Papadavino

The future belongs not to the outspoken or the soft spoken neither does it belong to those with the greatest insight but it sure belongs to the individuals with foresight
Some are docile, some try to feign being hostile
Sooner enough they will realize that all their efforts are futile
On the other hand some are unsure; some are trying very hard to burnish baseless assumptions
Indeed trying to give more luster to it
While some pretend to be cocksure
Many for sure have become lackadaisical having been fed with a truckload of fables
As ever the spin doctors are relentlessly churning out rumours oven fresh from the rumour mill
Beclouding the minds of the weak minded
Now fully hypnotized they readily dance to the drum beat of the illusionist and turn their backs on the visionary
However the truth is an open wound that most times comes to the light in the twilight years

Some prefer sitting put, sitting pretty in their comfort zone
Until the government spray with confetti, then they decide to fight back, by putting up a good fight, fighting good like ninja, then the system switches it up
It taking it up to a higher gear with brigand tactics that is so cold
Putting them masses in a chokehold
Act out of character and they send the riot PO-PO, beaten blue and black so they decide to mark time by doing keepy ups as a past time
Soon the old folks run out of time
When they gets past their prime
Now they realize that all these while they have being in detention, standing in line at the pension board trying pick up their pension
Many will eventually kick the bucket
Due to long hours spent on the queue at the pension board, passing out and passing away
Dying of hypertension
A victim of their own foolhardiness and falling so cheaply for the government’s foolery

The Numbers Game | Igor Goldkind - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Numbers Game | Igor Goldkind

In the end, it was the numbers that did us in.
They lined us up into military rows
And assigned us all numbers
One after one after one after one after one….
How many, nobody knows.
You see, it’s a numbers game
It’s all the same
You’re not to blame,
You’re not your name
You’re your numbers.
Let me explain how it’s done,
And how this game can never be won.

See, there are good numbers and bad numbers
High numbers and sad numbers.
Sometimes high numbers are good and low numbers are bad.
And sometimes low numbers are good and high numbers are sad.
It all depends on who is doing the counting.
It’s not you or me
Nor the numbers either.
They don’t know, they’re just numbers after all,
Numbers don’t even occupy space.
Not like you or me who are never free
From Big Numbers and small numbers,
Negative numbers and imaginary numbers,
You see, it’s a numbers game.
It’s all the same.
You’re not to blame,
You’re not your name
You’re your numbers.
Let me explain
How it’s done.
And how this game can never be won. 

Prisoner number…
Credit Score number
GPA Number
SAT Number
Zip code number
Blood pressure number
Heart rate number
DOB & TOD numbers
House number
Gas meter number
Phone number
Electricity number
Room number
Water number
Dog tags number
Social Security number
Bank account number
Table number
Sibling number
Temperature number
Flight number
Apartment number
License number
Vehicle registration number
Alcohol level number
Height, weight and age all get numbers

I hear you scream:
“I’m not a number, I’m a human being!!”
Sure you are,
Now take a number.
It’s for your own protection
There’s safety in numbers.

Numbers can answer all of your questions:
How far, how long, how deep, how high, how many,
How often?
Just not ‘how come’?
Anyone can count,
But you can’t count on anyone.
See, it’s a numbers game
That can’t be won
It’s a numbers game
It’s just how it’s done.
It’s all the same.
You’re not to blame
You’re not insane!
You’re not your name
You’re your numbers.
Now count to ten
And start all over again.

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The Selective Service System | R U Outavit - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Selective Service System | R U Outavit

The Selective Service System
is a rather curious invention
of noble, but dubious intention.
It is designed, don’t you see,
to protect the citizenry (you and me),
and to safeguard our country’s liberty.
But, I am resigned to wonder, quite naturally,
how sound is the national policy
of depending on anyone who, involuntarily,
is expected to fight and die courageously
for principles of freedom and democracy
which he was forced to surrender unwillingly!
Now, who can understand that,
or agree with the wisdom of a draft –
when people become just numbers in a hat?

You Don't Get That | Tara Lynn Hawk - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

You Don’t Get That | Tara Lynn Hawk

Your own street number, front door, gate, garden
View of something other than piled trash, dark alley
A sanctuary, a nest, a home
You don’t get that
Room to stretch out, companionship of a cat
Freedom from fear at 2 a.m.
You don’t get that
You are here to cook our burgers, clean our floors
Shelve our groceries
We need you in a constant state of want and desire
It’s good for you, gives you something to aspire to
Work harder, be thrifty, do not drink
You should’ve stayed in school
Should’ve never fallen in love, had that baby
Dared to dream
Should’ve listened, done what you were told
Maintained your subservience
It’s your own damn fault, because now
You don’t get that

More at Her chapbook of poetry, “The Dead” is available on Smashwords:

Embellished Fate | Tara Lynn Hawk - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Embellished Fate | Tara Lynn Hawk

These things
They insist on referring to as
Germinated and formed in your
own mind and with
your hands
They seek to take a piece of and
tax in some medieval manner
Leaving you in turn with nothing
Leaving you to your fate
Presented to you on some gold-
colored platter
An unwanted gift from the court
of Agamemnon
Send it back

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