where can i find good poems

A Girl That I Loved | Joshua Chen - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Girl That I Loved | Joshua Chen

My body moves, Goes where I will
But wherever I am, My heart stays still
Each time I think of you, I’m filled with joy
If you haven’t entered my life, it’d be nothing more than a toy
At times I feel like I’m falling to the depths
Yet you’re always on my mind, Always in my head
Sometimes I fall so hard , My heart feels broken into two
But when I wake up, I feel alright
Because I’ll picture that I’m beside you.
All I know is that I love you so, So please do not ever let me go.
Life may be tough being with you,
But what would my life be without you.
I’ll never stop or let you go,
As I might be amongst the clouds by tomorrow.
I’d do anything to make you stay
Because life without you would be so grey.
My heart is pure towards you,
As pure as snow from an angels view.
You know these words are forever true,
And I’ll never want anyone else but you.
Visit http://poetricarts.blogspot.sg/.

Earth: A Love Story | Hope Vigil-Alvarez - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Earth: A Love Story | Hope Vigil-Alvarez

She was beautiful
So blue and green
Within the starry skies
She’d dance and preen.
Then Man came to live within her
And she cried with joy
So flattered with attention
Her flowers blossomed
And leafy trees bloomed
But soon Man decided that she just wasn’t modern
So he dressed her up
In buildings
Made up her face
In neon lights
She was eager to please
And let him have his way
But then he complained
“I don’t even recognize you anymore, you’ve really let yourself go, or I can’t live here anymore”
She cried acid rain tears of pollution
For she’d tried so hard
Given the best years of her life
Only to be rejected.
She knew something had to change
So she steeled herself against him
And decided it was Time
For another Ice Age.

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