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Winter Stars |  Kevin J. Johnson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Winter Stars | Kevin J. Johnson

Pinpricks in the peppermint night,
You’re poking holes in the twisty clouds.
A negative image to my sight,
Of a crystal white polka-dotted shroud.
We see you from the outside in,
Our jostling, soupy pin cushion spins.
In the day your closest blights you out,
But by night his sovereignty wanes and thins.
Sisters of the moon, you haunt the sky,
Stark and still, as pale as ghosts.
Your rigidity teases my rapid eye,
Like effervescent bubbles in a champagne toast.
Some say you’re far off, fiery, floating balls,
But I know you’re just snowflakes, simply refusing to fall.

More at http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000650260/The-Sky-and-the-Sea.aspx.

Marigold Inside |  JD DeHart - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Marigold Inside | JD DeHart

When the world was grey through and through,
and the friends we thought we knew
only revealed themselves in pantomime,
mouthing the thought
of whomever was seated across from them,
and when our theology
seemed to only echo the sound of a space between
invisible clouds,
the way emptiness preaches to uncertainty,
I knew that her heart would still be overwhelmed,
and I knew that the girl
I met in a velvet plush room, when seeing the universe again,
like the first time all over,
would spread her arms and a fresh assortment –
azaleas, star flowers,
chrysanthemums, Easter lilies, and those always
glowing marigolds – would rise like new,
and my down-trodden views, my neglect
and well-tended negativity would again fade,
seeing life and history and birth and death
as a convoluted mixture of the eventual,
the possible, the declared and undeclared,
and the always flowering present, a snap-image
of doubt-shaking hope in the face of ash,
and she would always, always teach me
about beauty, trust, and patience.

For the Women |  Akua Mensah - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

For the Women | Akua Mensah

For a long time I have taught myself to feel nothing. Growing up with
a single mother and older brothers, and men who could be better role
models if they didn’t come home soaked in alcohol and the coulda
shoulda woulda’s that haunt the moments of sober consciousness that
slip through, you deal with it. Being the youngest kid is supposed to
suck, right?

I saw my mother break her back for her children, and for the children
of others of whom I was her chief example. When one of mine was dearly
departed and the other voluntarily departed, her arms took me and gave
me roots. Planting me in her chest and promising she would do her best
by me, as she did with every demon that ran out of Patience for our
Naija movie nights. And every time she clapped when I got an A, and
every time she yelled at me for being dumb.

There are few things stronger than her. And there was nothing in the
world I wanted more to be. For that I decided that the only way was
not to feel. I have learned with every new coat of rust formed on the
dam that I created that her strength was in feeling everything. And I
can only hope that one day, I can learn to do that too.

More at http://amoafoa.tumblr.com.

Sleep Eludes Me |  G. S. Katz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Sleep Eludes Me | G. S. Katz

A full night’s sleep
Lately seems like a waste of time
The early morning is bliss
Quiet before the crush of humanity
begins its rhythmic stomp

It’s good having a dog
That wakes me everyday
Well before dawn
Her needs more paramount to mine

When tired in the day
I prefer the 20 minute nap
A zone out in paradise
No dreams to question
Battery on charge, life in motion

Stealing Hearts |  G. S. Katz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Stealing Hearts | G. S. Katz

I’m tired
of being a sinner and a thief
I came into this life pure
Somewhere in the middle
I started stealing hearts

Not the smartest or best looking
Maybe it was because I listened
You put your head on my shoulder
and never looked back

Is this redemption?
Hardly not, the process just beginning
Just a deal, you stay on your side of the fence
I’ll keep walking as I pass by…

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