best poems about life

Resurrection Tuesday | Judge Santiago Burdon - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Resurrection Tuesday | Judge Santiago Burdon

The subversive scheme
of benevolent intention
Fades with the last smile of summer
Sounding an aluminum voice
With an echo of fragile breath
Silence interrupts the
Applause of thunder
Sentiments of affection
Now a crippling disability
Unable to outrun the future
Your long ago in pursuit
On the heels of memory’s shadow.
Littering an already tortured landscape
with leaves of a weathered reputation
The forecast calling for a season of scandal
Created on this resurrection Tuesday.

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Cause & Effect | Chasity Gaines - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Cause & Effect | Chasity Gaines

I play the game of what-if
Trying to backtrack
Trying to unweave
The paths that have gotten
Me were I am today

Even going as far as diving
Into my ancestors’ paths
Wondering how things
Could have ended up differently

Would I have been someone
Other than this person
I see staring back at me
maybe I would have been a person
Who has her life together
Living up to her full potential
Would it have even truly mattered?

I remember a wild teen
darting down each path
no matter the obvious
warning signs, No thoughts
of how those one lane roads
may have changed everything

Some better not taken
Now in hindsight
Wishing I could go back
to fix the glaring mistakes
Knowing and feeling
As I do now

this older mature self
Wishing I could click
my Nike tennis shoes together
Sending me to the past
to give my younger self
Much needed advice
Heeding the dangers
Of cause and effect

Knowing the game
of what-if leaves
me broken in my loss
and guilt, a scab
I just can’t leave alone
One pointer I’d give
my younger headstrong self

Though I doubt I’d have listened
Pushing away all good advice
and running foolishly headlong
into blissful ignorance
Not ever regarding
Cause and effect

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Darkly, the Heart | James Diaz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Darkly, the Heart | James Diaz

That I might stay kind
even when I want to bite,
put my sword down
and not worry how unprotected
I’ve become to the wounds
others would lay on me,
lay them on me
if that’s what it takes to live on top,
in the right,
lay them deep because I will dig deep,
when I pull your broken blade,
in pieces, out of myself,
I bring love up with it,
however frail and temporary.
That I might be all that I cannot possibly be.
That I at least try.
That you at least know.
It can be done.

Limo Ride to Hell | Judy Moskowitz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Limo Ride to Hell | Judy Moskowitz

I had a dream
A nightmare
I was blindfolded
Taken away in a limousine
Certain I was going to die
By a man in a mask
And gown to a motel room
Somewhere in the state
Of hell
Vilified by the self righteous
Burned and stoned
I am skin and bone
Heart and mind
Every feature on my face
Belongs to me
I’m not alone in this dream
I’m sharing it with you
Choice is not an
Acquired taste
It belongs to you

Best Poetry Online