covid-19 poems

Lambs to the Slaughter | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Lambs to the Slaughter | Stan Morrison

We miss shaking friends’ hands
And the warmth of their embrace
What’s called a greater good
We are fulfilling our civic duty
Masks sanitizers and distance

Those elected to do better
Are always up to no good
Masquerading evil intentions
With the latest sanitized spin
Humanity way in the distance

Re-election trumps sanity
The curve has not flattened
In the bars and at the rallies
The greater good is really
Us lambs to the slaughter

The First Week | Wandering Biku - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The First Week | Wandering Biku

A solitary pigeon perches on a telegraph pole
And sings her call.
Other than that, the world is quiet.
The constant rush of rubber on tarmac
Has finally ceased.
Gone, the mechanical birds, bees and bugs
Filling the air with their droning busyness.
The warm wind has dropped,
Hushing the rustling.
And even the neighbourhood dogs respect the silence,
Sleeping soundly.
The only noise is that of sunshine
And Nature, exhaling her contentment.

The pigeon starts! and takes to the air.

How I Spent My Quarantine Vacation | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

How I Spent My Quarantine Vacation | Stan Morrison

I had nearly nothing to do
And so much time to do it
Rearranged each room for Arc Digest
Every drawer is now clean and redone
All of my socks and my jockey shorts
Passionately ironed and neatly arranged
Shined shoes put back alphabetically
Clothes closets emptied and rehung
Total grooming plus daily mani/pedis
Ordering food online a daily highlight
Meals planned for the next six months
Rewatched past seasons of everything
E-mailed annoyingly and repeatedly
I wearily got up the very next day
And started the list all over again

Exhaustion-2020 | Stephanie Stone - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Exhaustion-2020 | Stephanie Stone

Mother Earth became weary
From pollution and noise
She sent forth a virus
To vacate her lands

The virus grew
Causing people to fear
Mother Earth rested
As the people dropped tears

From the grounds sprang spring
Signs of new life
While living stayed
Mostly cooped inside

As Mother Earth regenerated
People realized their gratitude
Zoom became of high demand
In place of a hug

No one shall know
What happens in the future
But Mother Earth
Got her well deserved rest

And, people?
They got to understand
That they need people

And, the Earth

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