mother's day poems

Wonder Lady | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Wonder Lady | Ivan Jenson

Everybody seems so young
ever since you became
every age you ever were
in my memory…
aging sons and elderly
mothers share coffee
at Starbucks
shooting the breeze
killing time…
I never knew what to say
to you
and I admit
I grew tired of the fact
that you were mostly made
of long winded
shallow-breathed stories
and lore
and little more
and how life to you
was once one big communist
back when you stood up
to the man
and felt lucky
that your oldest son
my brother
was 4-F
and never
had to serve in Vietnam
I’m not sure if I can do this
without your left wing bravado
but who knows…
maybe I can

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Mom Incorporated | Ivan Jenson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Mom Incorporated | Ivan Jenson

Let’s arrange
just one more
meeting of our hearts
and our minds
you choose the time
and the place
and I will promise to
be there
with one of those
trendy gratitude lists
some flowers for the dead
and the blood red wine of Jesus
for good measure…
you will be Lady Lazarus
and I will speak for
the bunch of us
you left like penniless
homeless orphans
singing songs from Annie
on the street corner
for the living
begging for just one more minute
with the mother of all inventions
who had, with your low-tech precision
manufactured a limited edition
assembly line of love
made by a Costa Rican
in the USA

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