where can i find good poems

Their Worries | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Their Worries | Krushna Chandra Mishra

Their worries are theirs
With none to take a call
And come to console or care
With full details in hand
On what has ailed for long
And what could heal or help
Only to let them learn
They are different and lowly
And every way they must
Wallow in misery and wants
With pale faces and sunken
Eyes and bellies to the back
Pasted in a curious way and
Arms stretched to beg alms
From the very people whose
Pomp and pride are these
Lowly people’s charities only
To acknowledge which the
Heart of gratitude and love
Is utterly lacking to the
Dismay and disgust of all.

Only if once on a fine day
Those charities are heeded
And the choking guilt is out
To recompense for the loss
To those forgotten masters
Doing them a good turn due
For long perhaps in some
Little degrees service sure
As needed would be given
To steal away their worries.

Divided | Carl Handy - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Divided | Carl Handy

Mother preaches about forgiveness but hates her own son
The son she birth under the sun
Whose fault is it that his tongue became the gun that tried to destroy you?
I’m confused,
but I shouldn’t be mother
I’m just a child caught in the muse
Forced to take sides
Not strong enough to break the strifes
So I take long strides
My 6 ft 4 inch frame tries to run away
being knocked and paddled between walls of hate
And you’re ashamed?
Of me?
Of my actions because I refuse to take sides, oh please
Mother stop,
I’ve tried my best but it’s like you both are bent on locking me in this trap
The nightmares, how do I make it stop?
You see what you see
but fail to see what you should see
Blinded by the past hurt
Creating your own misery
Calling it destiny
But maybe we are destined to be a family
Can’t you see?
I like the thought of family
but we are divided thinking we are free
Conquered by greed and selfish needs
Makes me wish I could trade you all in for a new family.
The past is the past–
Let it be.
In 2016 let’s be a family.

More at https://handypoetry.wordpress.com.

A Waste | Chris Byrne - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

A Waste | Chris Byrne

Skills get wasted over time,
become obsolete, wasted, never used,
forever idle, never using, forgetting
the skills that once made you tick.
Forgetting ever more the tricks of
the trade, dying trades that will be
forever forgotten, trying to remember
good times when trades flourished.
Remembering the wasted years,
those years of hard toil, never
giving up, always flogging guts out,
trying and failing, never giving up.
Was it forgetfulness or just idleness,
the skill is still there, it just needs be
reawakened, be seen inside oneself
before it becomes obsolete.

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