Where Have All the Children Gone? | Renee' Drummond-Brown - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Where Have All the Children Gone? | Renee' Drummond-Brown

They left the womb
All alone
Long time passing
They roam
To and fro
Becomes ‘their’ god(s)
Social media
Front Row
None other than
Well ‘ya’ know
For ‘dat’
Freedom riders ‘plight’
The right to vote???
‘Deeze’ kids???
Want None o’ ‘dat’
‘Day’ only want the ‘WRITE’
Text messaging
Mid flight
Where have all the children gone?
They’re lost in iPhone zones
Dedicated to: Somebody call 911
Renee’ Drummond-Brown, is a poetess with experience in creative writing. She is a graduate of Geneva College of Western Pennsylvania. Renee’ is still in pursuit of excellence towards her mark for higher education. She is working on her seventh book and has numerous works published globally which can be seen in cubm.org/news, KWEE Magazine, Leaves of Ink, Raven Cage Poetry and Prose Ezine, Realistic Poetry International, Scarlet Leaf Publishing House, SickLit Magazine, The Metro Gazette Publishing Company, Inc., Tuck, and Whispers Magazine just to name a few. Civil Rights Activist, Ms. Rutha Mae Harris, Original Freedom Singer of the Civil Rights Movement, was responsible for having Drummond-Brown’s very first poem published in the Metro Gazette Publishing Company, Inc., in Albany, GA. Renee’ also has poetry published in several anthologies and honorable mentions to her credit in various writing outlets. Renee’ has won and/or placed in several poetry contests globally and her books are currently eligible for nomination for a Black Book award in Southampton County Virginia. She was Poet of the Month 2017, Winner in the Our Poetry Archives and prestigious Potpourri Poets/Artists Writing Community in the past year. She graced the cover of KWEE Magazine in the month of May, 2016. Her love for creative writing is displayed through her unique style. Renee’ is inspired by none other than Dr. Maya Angelou; because of her, Renee’ posits, “Still I write, I write, and I’ll write!”

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